I'm liking it, its all I wanted, which was Diablo 2 with newer graphics. Thats all I wanted and thats all I got, I'm happy with that.
I played a lot of PoE but finally two things caused me to shelve it, first was that the game is just too rushed, its all jump here fill the screen with spell effects jump here fill the screen with spell effects, half the time the screen is just a blur of motion and you cant see squat. Its just too fast for my tastes and the second thing is that it annoys the living bejesus out of me that take too long in a zone and previous zones respawn. Winds me up no end that. But I did get a couple hundred hours out of PoE before I just couldnt take it anymore. D2R will tide me over for a few months which is all I ever expected or wanted of it.