Out of curiosity, what other things would you have liked to have seen in this? Or would a lower price point be sufficient?
The price point is the biggest issue for me tbh, I feel it should be £20 max. Add in the lack of mod support (they claimed it would have it but now no tcip, private servers or open battlenet and unless someone can point me to information, total silence on the subject after bigging it up), No ultrawide, overall performance is meh - it could be much more visually pleasing(it's not terrible, it just doesn't grab me).
If they wanted to charge a premium, they could have added other endgame options - I know some would be against this, wanting a pure updated version - but it could have used it for more longevity.
They have done to diablo 2 what a few modders did for dark souls when it was first released on the pc.
Blizzard could have done something great with this but instead did the bare minimum, it's playable, not terrible and a better effort than WC3 reforged but that isn't saying much.