** Diablo 4 Thread **

What tier did everyone start on? I been on WT2 and I’m starting to be pummelled on some bosses or large groups (Level 30), tempted to knock it down but I hate how sometimes it can feel a bit easy :/

I find that, one seems a bit easy and two I have been one shotted too many times.
Yup, ranged rogues don't have the same punch as some of the melee oriented builds. You spend most of your time running around, dodging and dashing trying to get some distance between your character and the monsters. It's that at point you realise, why not just play melee ?
I've been messing about with another build. It uses penetrating shot as the main skill, but you use combo points for the specialisation to build the 3 points, then use PS when full and it does decent damage. Use it with Shadow Imbuement and it can floor packs of enemies pretty easy. Still messing about with it, but so far it's the only one which seems to work for me. The bonus is that you never have to worry about energy as you aren't constantly spamming your energy skill. It may not be the best build for rogue damage wise, but I'm having fun with it and it's good enough so far. Not tried it on a boss yet though. :p
Right just completed world tier 2 start to finish including cap stone.

Some how I dont think I was ready for WT3.

I completed the capstone boss by running around like a big girly man waiting for my CD’s for the whole fight!!!
First sacred legendary weapon drop in WT3 was a 75% increase in attack power....

Minions are now made of paper mache though.
I was getting annoyed how much damage I was getting in T3, I changed into end game Barbarian WW build and suddenly I am doing T3 without any issues. It could be a combination of upgrades and all the exploring that I have done today. Either way I am now much happier as I was kinda giving up as I couldn't really do much.
Is this game any good? is it worth 60???
Depends on your point of view. If you're the type of gamer that will play the game for months on end then it's probably worth it. If you're like me and will probably only play the campaign through once and then get bored of the endless repetition, probably not :)
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I bought the standard edition a bit surprised at the price of 60 pounds Warcraft expansions are cheaper at 40 pounds Blizzard seem to be taking the mick and charging PC players PlayStation 5 prices thinking if they can get away with overcharging so can we.
I bought the standard edition a bit surprised at the price of 60 pounds Warcraft expansions are cheaper at 40 pounds Blizzard seem to be taking the mick and charging PC players PlayStation 5 prices thinking if they can get away with overcharging so can we.

Diablo doesn't charge you £9.99 a month to play.
What's the best class to start with I played Necromancer in the beta but people say it got a massive nerf and is crap now.
I've gone summoner Necro, it's a cake walk through the first 50 levels tbh. All the campaign bosses went down with ease, a couple stun locked in place unable to do anything.

Only now that I'm in WT3 are the minions starting to feel fragile, which I imagine can be fixed, in the last hour or so I've increased their damage probably 100-150% with the initial WT3 gear alone.

Haven't delved into other builds but I imagine everything is going to be fine up until you're in the higher tiers anyway.
What's the best class to start with I played Necromancer in the beta but people say it got a massive nerf and is crap now.

I'm running with a Lightning build sorcerer. Uses Frost Nova to freeze mobs then Charged Bolts to nuke them - great for clearing packs quickly. :)
I'm playing a rogue and I was struggling a bit until I put some imbue skill on weapon which makes stuff do explosion damage. Levelled up flurry alongside it and it melts most things now.
Anyone else's shop have a permanent exclamation mark next to it as if something new is there. I can't get rid of it and things like that bug me.
Anyone else's shop have a permanent exclamation mark next to it as if something new is there. I can't get rid of it and things like that bug me.
Everyone has that, classic way of getting ppl to click into something, same thing as the notification counter on phone app icons. If there were legitimate notifications it wouldn't be enough so they invent stuff to notify you about. In this case it seems they make it unintuitive to clear notifications too (something about hovering over every item) so it's basically always like that.
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