** Diablo 4 Thread **

That's why a lot of players are quitting shortly after reaching tier 4, the lack of loot progression is boring and it wouldn't be so bad if there was new content but there isn't, it's the same shot you do in tier 3

Like Asmon said, he's level 85 and he can farm for 10 hours and get one upgrade for one slot and it's like +1 extra strength

There are 6 very good unique pieces of gear that can drop in Tier 4 but the drop rates are way too low, one of these pieces is a weapon called grandfather and there is currently only 2 people in the world that have it, one player in South Korea and one player in Russia. These pieces are just random drops from any enemy in tier 4, but the drop rates are estimated to be so low that to gaurantee you can get one you would need to play 12 hours a day for 10 years

And then it might become pointless in the next season and so forth. The game more or less ends around level 70 for Al intended purposes and then you can wait for the new season in July
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Same for me, level 62 and still chasing gear with mana regen/cool-down reduction and I’ve done many NM dungeons and several world bosses at this point.
I tried a tier 19 nightmare dungeon and found a 701 power item, useless mind but higher than I'd seen before. Unfortunately the elites are too tough for me so I couldn't complete it. I did a tier 16 and found that easy enough but rubbish low level loot. Will try tier 17 then 18. Surely there has to be a sweet spot or how can I actually progress if I can't do the dungeons I need to do to improve my gear without better gear....

Can't do tier 17 so that's me done with dungeons now. Will try some helltides for now. If I don't get upgrades from I think I'll end up giving up.
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My 730+25 2h staff I'm currently using dropped from a hell tide while I was level 58

I have no idea how/why cause I'm currently level 63 and everything else that drops for me is 570 to 630

And helltide is much easier than the nightmare dungeons

And because my staff is over the 725 break point, this thing absolutely shreds - I'm a mage with the arc lash basic skills, I have the +60% attack speed boost and +30% damage gems.
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That's why a lot of players are quitting shortly after reaching tier 4, the lack of loot progression is boring and it wouldn't be so bad if there was new content but there isn't, it's the same shot you do in tier 3

Like Asmon said, he's level 85 and he can farm for 10 hours and get one upgrade for one slot and it's like +1 extra strength

There are 6 very good unique pieces of gear that can drop in Tier 4 but the drop rates are way too low, one of these pieces is a weapon called grandfather and there is currently only 2 people in the world that have it, one player in South Korea and one player in Russia. These pieces are just random drops from any enemy in tier 4, but the drop rates are estimated to be so low that to gaurantee you can get one you would need to play 12 hours a day for 10 years

And then it might become pointless in the next season and so forth. The game more or less ends around level 70 for Al intended purposes and then you can wait for the new season in July
This is one of the reasons why I'm glad that I play arpgs only for the campaigns and not for the so-called "endgame". I've never been too much of a fan of the arpg "grind for upgraded gear in order to be able to more effectively grind for the next piece of upgraded gear in order to be able to more effectively grind for the next piece of upgraded gear" game loop, which is why I play arpgs once through for the story campaigns. Also one of the reasons why I rate Grim Dawn so highly as it actually has a pretty decent campaign.
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This is one of the reasons why I'm glad that I play arpgs only for the campaigns and not for the so-called "endgame". I've never been too much of a fan of the arpg "grind for upgraded gear in order to be able to more effectively grind for the next piece of upgraded gear in order to be able to more effectively grind for the next piece of upgraded gear" game loop, which is why I play arpgs once through for the story campaigns. Also one of the reasons why I rate Grim Dawn so highly as it actually has a pretty decent campaign.

It's worse than usual in this game

This poor guy hasn't had any gear upgrades drop in 25 levels

That's super painful because all leveling up gets you is a few paragon points which have a minor affect on character health and damage but enemies keep scaling up so if you're in the 90s wearing level 70 gear then you're gonna get one shot by enemies

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Level 84 or 85 now and I’m basically chasing uniques.

There needs to be a new world teir.

Paragon board becomes the biggest char progress mechanic but the route from 75ish to 100 would be a lot more enjoyable if you could get upgrades along the way.
Looks like we might be getting a big patch today or tomorrow as the game will unavailable for several hours while under maintenance.

Servers will be down from 5pm for ~5 hours on the 26th and 27th June.
I can only see the maintenance window on the US site, not listed on EU yet. I wonder if maintenance might be a day later for EU, Wednesday?
That's a big patch, as blizzard is able to do small patches without bringing the servers down
I can see it now :

Diablo 4 patch 1.00000000000000009

1. Experience gain reduced in all open world activities and normal dungeons. Nightmare dungeons now provide the highest experience gain in endgame - as intended.
2. Monsters attacking players on horseback will receive the following : on lucky hit, 50% chance to hobble horse throwing player to the ground applying 10 second stun. This change will make travel on the open world more dangerous and rewarding.
3. Players can now teleport to Nightmare dungeons. However, there is a 50% chance of "entering the warp" and being teleported into a dungeon featuring all of the following affixes : stormwrath, lightning pulse, deathly shade, monster resist to physical/fire/cold/lightning/poison.
4. Whirlwind barbarians have had spin-to-win damage increased by 99%.
5. Gem stash tab to be added to inventory - this will take effect at the start of season 30.
6. High level unigue drop rates have been adjusted - they now only drop in Korea ( damn that Russki getting a Harlequin Crest ! )

Happy monster hunting, orc peons ! Don't say we don't listen to player feedback :D
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Problem with Icey one is these sites are so busy competing for clicks and views that they get an initial build up, then do YouTube videos frequently but don't bother updating the guides. Seen many where the skill points don't add up or they just CBA explain some parts.
That's not how it works though.

The gear you get at 70 is the same as the gear you get at 90, ultimately item power matters.

You want ancestrals with 800+ item power.

So true, my level 55 gear is touching 700+ power and there's been nothing i've gotten really at level 63 that's better than it. The stats on the weapons and armour are much more important than the actual level of the item.
I only just realised last night that i need to do more nightmare dungeons to level up my glyphs so they become stronger and the bonuses really start to stack up. It's something i've been neglecting.
Problem with Icey one is these sites are so busy competing for clicks and views that they get an initial build up, then do YouTube videos frequently but don't bother updating the guides. Seen many where the skill points don't add up or they just CBA explain some parts.
A lot of the builds were theorycrafted before the full game came out. And now, we know the "damage buckets" are less refined than previously thought and resistances are broken ie. zero value in picking up any paragon nodes or equipment that boost them. But yeah, most sites haven't updated them.
I only just realised last night that i need to do more nightmare dungeons to level up my glyphs so they become stronger and the bonuses really start to stack up. It's something i've been neglecting.
Yeah, don't neglect them. In WT4 especially that's where most of your power comes from. Should aim to get your glyphs to their softcap of level 15 if you can - they get an increased radius of effect at that level. They can go up to level 21 but that just increases the bonus effect, not radius any further.
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Yeah, don't neglect them. In WT4 especially that's where most of your power comes from. Should aim to get your glyphs to their softcap of level 15 if you can - they get an increased radius of effect at that level. They can go up to level 21 but that just increases the bonus effect, not radius any further.

Yeah that's what i've read, i'm 3/4 of the way through my second board now and its a huge board. Got most of my points from doing Renown stuff and levelling up but neglected to think about the glyths lol. Also picked up a fair few new rare glyths on the way which i need to take a closer look at.
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