** Diablo 4 Thread **

Really REALLY want to jump back on this, im just so put off with how poop i am at the dungeon bosses :( maybe its the way ive built my character so far, im only level 17 rouge, ive never played a rpg like this so new to me

Just finding the dungeons a bit of a struggle, i cant even get the protection bubble thing thats in one of the dungeons lol its a shame as was really enjoying it for a while
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The diatribe from people on how other people play is getting pretty boring.

It’s a looter grinder, play it how you want.

Rip the bandaid, or gently peel it off. It’s the same scab underneath
So take 2 of WT4 is still a no go. Just too many insta deaths of which many were unavoidable. Back to WT3, I cleared a tier 17 nightmare dungeon, as per usual no items over what I have. Some close but generally 2 unwanted affixes, not that I have any luck whatsoever with rerolling those anyway. I'm running out of dust for nightmare dungeons as 16-20 obviously means I get nearly all at the top end of that and can't do higher than 17. Helltides seem like the best bet but are rarely starting near when I log on, just bad luck there but I'm starting to feel the game is actively stopping me from progressing. I want to play it but I'm sat here wondering what can I actually do now.
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Do normal dungeons. Nm not worth it for xp beyond +3 levels. And given sigils drop for random dungeons, you get more consistent xp from running a normal dungeon that has a good concentration of elites. Like uldurs.
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I suggest sticking to WT4 helltides. Once you get a item power 750+ weapon you should be able to kill the mobs before they 1 shot you. I did that with my hota barb around lvl 60 as soon as i cleared the capstone dungeon. Got lucky with an item power 800 2hander drop from the mystery chest early on.

There is website that tracks the helltides.com which is very useful. Only haveto find a decent randoms to tag along and should allow you to get some cinders.
Really REALLY want to jump back on this, im just so put off with how poop i am at the dungeon bosses :( maybe its the way ive built my character so far, im only level 17 rouge, ive never played a rpg like this so new to me

Just finding the dungeons a bit of a struggle, i cant even get the protection bubble thing thats in one of the dungeons lol its a shame as was really enjoying it for a while
Probably the usual nooby mistake. Loads of skills with zero synergy. Actually look at the ability tree and try to plan out a build. Plus learn to dodge boss attacks <3 GL
Do normal dungeons. Nm not worth it for xp beyond +3 levels. And given sigils drop for random dungeons, you get more consistent xp from running a normal dungeon that has a good concentration of elites. Like uldurs.
I don't want to. Its so boring I don't even have to pay attention just running round spamming. I want better gear. In Diablo 3 you got rewarded for the harder things you did, this is definitely not happening in 4.
Tried some Tree of Whispers tasks to mix it up again. Literally useless rewards after pure easy mode tasks.
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Really REALLY want to jump back on this, im just so put off with how poop i am at the dungeon bosses :( maybe its the way ive built my character so far, im only level 17 rouge, ive never played a rpg like this so new to me

Just finding the dungeons a bit of a struggle, i cant even get the protection bubble thing thats in one of the dungeons lol its a shame as was really enjoying it for a while

Jump in with me, i don't mind carrying you for abit to get you some levels so you can up your skills abit.
I don't want to. Its so boring I don't even have to pay attention just running round spamming. I want better gear. In Diablo 3 you got rewarded for the harder things you did, this is definitely not happening in 4.
Tried some Tree of Whispers tasks to mix it up again. Literally useless rewards after pure easy mode tasks.

It's all pot luck in D4, you could work your ass off and get absolutely nothing at the end of it. Or kill a random mob and he drops a unique lol.
Shock horror, people that the play the game more, experience more of the games content, warts and all.

For those still playing the game and enjoying it, great the game is awesome until around level 70, then it becomes stale as the grind basically remains the same, helltides or dungeons thats about it for ~50 levels.
I don't want to. Its so boring I don't even have to pay attention just running round spamming. I want better gear. In Diablo 3 you got rewarded for the harder things you did, this is definitely not happening in 4.
Tried some Tree of Whispers tasks to mix it up again. Literally useless rewards after pure easy mode tasks.
Fair enough. Same reason I’ve stopped at 85. End game is a snoozefest, nm included
It's all pot luck in D4, you could work your ass off and get absolutely nothing at the end of it. Or kill a random mob and he drops a unique lol.

That sounds ****, completely ignores part of the fun of these kind of games. Too many games now seem to be designed with cynical mechanics and trying to push people down planned paths :(
Max NM I did was a 43, drops was no better than normal, I just run 30ish ones now as they are the same difficulty as normals with gear and paragon unlocking, although paragon had a big impact on the higher 80 levels as damage ramped to crits in the 2-3 million.
Happy to run any one through a few ( Tatty) in game
I don't buy this DDOS rubbish, there are dozens of things that can be put in place to prevent them, your telling me a multi billion dollar company doesn't have the necessary security measures in place and system redundancy to prevent this from happening?

Think their servers are just borked to be honest.
I don't buy this DDOS rubbish, there are dozens of things that can be put in place to prevent them, your telling me a multi billion dollar company doesn't have the necessary security measures in place and system redundancy to prevent this from happening?

Think their servers are just borked to be honest.

9th June, some services on Azure went down for a few hours. Last week Microsoft confirmed this was due to an DDOS attack. If Microsoft themselves cant protect against these attacks then you can forget Blizzard standing a chance.
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It's not like they would admit "oops one of our engineers tripped over a server cable and damaged a router which had to be replaced"

For a DDOS to take place the attacker would require an IP address, which can be obfuscated with a VPN. So I'm sure there are things that can be done to ensure a DDOS cannot ever take place on vital services.

Obviously they could have all of these systems in place to prevent a DDOS, but if there is a flaw in their own software, then is it anyones fault but their own?
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