Full Patch Notes
Dungeons, Events, and other Activities
Developer’s Note: The below includes changes to flat damage Legendary Aspects. These effects scale with Item Power. For example, at 820 Item Power Bul-Kathos’ Earthquake increases from 1747-3404 to 2687-3717 damage.
Dungeons, Events, and other Activities
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t engage with the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon boss.
- Fixed an issue where certain Whispers couldn’t be completed.
- Fixed an issue where the Those Who Call the Storm event wouldn’t register as completed.
- Fixed an issue where the Those Who Call the Storm event would place a permanent de-buff on the player that would gradually drain health.
- Fixed an issue where enemies could spawn behind the Sealed door in the Cultist Refuge dungeon, blocking dungeon progression.
- Fixed an issue where characters could be damaged and killed during the Stronghold completion cutscene. (Not the valiant triumph we planned)
- Fixed an issue where the level 100 Pinnacle Boss would appear again with no health bar if killed during a specific phase.
- Fixed an issue where progression could be blocked in the Cathedral of Light Capstone dungeon in Kyovashad.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash or freeze if players entered the Untamed Thicket dungeon during the Fangs of Corruption quest.
- Fixed an issue where the Insatiable Fury and Mad Wolf’s Glee items prevented Druids from transforming into the Werebear or Werewolf Forms.
- Fixed an issue where Spider Host enemies would remain upright after exploding and dying.
- Fixed an issue where equipment with socketed Gems couldn’t be mass-salvaged.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to teleport to Cerrigar while in the Cerrigar and Cerrigar Outskirts subregions.
- Fixed an issue where Corpse Tendrils would cause the corpse visual to disappear.
- Fixed an issue where the camera would not zoom out when joining a World Boss encounter.
- Fixed an issue where Barbarian players would get stuck between Bone Walls after using Charge.
- Fixed an issue where Rogue players would remain invisible to other players after using the Concealment Skill in Fields of Hatred.
- Fixed an issue where Airidah’s tornados would cause the player to be stuck in a knockback state if hit by multiple tornados at once.
- Fixed an issue where pressing any button on controller while Dazed would halt all player input.
- Fixed an issue where Caches with World Tier conditions could be brought into higher World Tiers and provide rewards for that world tier.
- Fixed an issue where the Skeleton Warrior upgrade for increasing Thorns damage was not properly applying.
- Fixed an issue where the Burning Instinct power on the Sorcerer Paragon board did not account for Base Critical Damage in its damage calculation.
- Fixed an issue where the player could move in-game during the Leave Game countdown.
- Fixed an issue where the second player that closes the Region Progress menu would be locked in the World Map during Local Co-Op play.
- Fixed an issue where some quests would not properly progress for all players in Local Co-Op play.
- Fixed an issue where the preview slot for item upgrades would only display for Player 1 during Local Co-Op play.
- Fixed an issue where buttons in the store would become un-interactable for player 2 during Local Co-Op play.
- Fixed an issue where targeting the same enemy would show different health bars for each player during Local Co-Op Play.
- Fixed an issue where the Spirit Boons menu couldn’t be closed by player 2 if player 1 had it open during Local Co-Op play.
- Fixed an issue where the remaining player would not be able to move on their mount if the other player exited the game during Local Co-Op play.
- Fixed an issue where the NPC Lacthan could duplicate during multiple quests.
- Fixed an issue where progression of the Malign Devotion quest could become blocked if the player left the cellar as Lakren started to stand up.
- Fixed an issue where players would have their progression in the Apex of Misery quest blocked if they teleported away and back during the Destroy the Risen Remains objective.
- Fixed an issue where the player character would get blocked if they sat on a chair to talk to a NPC during the Demon Ledger quest.
- Fixed an issue where Brol and Mother’s chosen would move oddly during the eavesdropping cutscene if the player was near the broken wall.
- Players may now re-enter the boss area after the Follower has joined them during the Storming the Gates quest.
- Fixed an issue where the Illusion Woods Statue could become un-interactable during the Wayward quest.
- Fixed an issue where the True Potential Rogue Class Quest sometimes couldn’t properly be completed.
- Fixed an issue where Chat could be expanded even when the Chat is not visible.
- Fixed an issue where a party member’s HP bar would appear to be 0 if they left the vicinity of their party while not at full health.
- Fixed an issue where the “GPU not Supported” message would display broken text.
- Fixed an issue where the particles for Druid’s Spirit Boons would persist after closing the associated menu.
- Fixed an issue on Xbox Consoles where the cross-network play notification would display in-game even if cross-network play was disabled.
- Fixed an issue that displayed an empty notification to new players when world bosses appeared.
- Fixed an issue where the Potion Upgrade icon would be missing when playing with a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the Town Portal progress bar would be visible while in menus.
- Fixed an issue on PC where the Tab key would not open the Map if the Materials panel was open.
- Fixed an issue where the Spur ability for mounts would display as “Not yet learned.”
- Fixed an issue where the Linked Item menu would persist on screen when switching between Keyboard & Mouse input and Controller input.
- Fixed an issue where players would receive improper messaging when undoing the deletion of a Hardcore character.
- Fixed an issue where the Interact wheel prompt would appear over vases near the Fate’s Retreat Waypoint.
- Fixed an issue where the Socket button would persist if the player swapped tabs.
- Fixed multiple instances where Pins on the map from either a quest or the player would not function properly.
- Fixed multiple instances across a variety of menus where text wouldn’t display properly.
- Fixed multiple issues with health bars not displaying accurately during PvP activities.
- Various other improvements to the UI experience.
- Various localization fixes.
- Fixed an issue where the Purveyor of Curiosities’ menu would erroneously display item quality on some items (this didn’t affect what item quality was available to gamble for).
- Fixed an issue where users couldn’t create a Clan when their language was set to Russian or Spanish.
- Fixed an issue where the Shop would not properly load if the player dies while in Checkout.
- Fixed an issue where multiple cutscenes would not play if the player engaged with them when in a party of 3 or more players on Xbox Series S, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
- Fixed an issue where the Randomize Look and Swap Body Type actions in the Shop didn’t function when viewing Cosmetic Armor.
- Fixed an issue where the PlayStation 5 screen reader wouldn’t function properly.
- Fixed an issue where emotes from the Shop would not always function when used with a controller.
- Fixed an issue where the Player character’s eye would display improperly during the Lorath’s cabin cutscene in the Prologue.
- Various stability, performance, and visual improvements across all platforms.
- Fixed an issue where players using laptops with certain dedicated Graphics Cards would not be able to play the game.
Gameplay Adjustments
Experience Rewards- Significantly increased the experience awarded for completing Nightmare Dungeons.
- Significantly increased the experience gained from killing monsters in Nightmare Dungeons.
- Helltide chests now provide substantially more bonus experience when opened.
- Significantly increased rewarded experience from completing individual Whispers across the board.
- Fixed an issue where no experience was awarded for completing the hold out style event that can occur after finishing dungeon objectives.
- The Helltide Roaming bosses will now more consistently drop higher quality loot.
- Players can now teleport to their Nightmare Dungeon directly through the map.
- Weekly bonus caches from world bosses no longer have a level requirement for opening.
- Lunging Strike
- Base damage increased from 30% to 33%.
- Fury generated increased from 9 to 10.
- Bash
- Fury generated increased from 10 to 11.
- Enhanced Bash’s Fortify increased from 10% to 20%.
- Frenzy
- Base damage increased from 20% to 22%.
- Flay
- Bleeding base damage increased from 36% to 40%.
- Fury generated increased from 9 to 10.
- Enhanced Flay’s Vulnerable chance increased from 10% to 15%.
- Double Swing
- Base damage increased from 36% to 40%.
- Kick
- Cooldown reduced from 17 to 13 seconds.
- Base damage dealt to enemies Knocked Back into terrain increased from 54% to 70%.
- Charge
- Enhanced Charge’s base damage dealt to enemies Knocked Back into terrain increased from 15% to 30%.
- Leap
- Mighty Leap Slow increased from 50% to 70%.
- Iron Skin
- Enhanced Iron Skin’s Barrier increased from 10% to 20% of Maximum Life.
- Call of the Ancients
- Prime Call of the Ancients Bonus Attack Speed increased from 10% to 20%.
- Iron Maelstrom
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.
- Prime Iron Maelstrom Bonus Critical Strike Chance increased from 10% to 30%.
- Prime Iron Maelstrom Bonus Critical Strike Damage increased from 20% to 40%.
- Bounding Slam
- Base damage increased from 75% to 112%.
Developer’s Note: The below includes changes to flat damage Legendary Aspects. These effects scale with Item Power. For example, at 820 Item Power Bul-Kathos’ Earthquake increases from 1747-3404 to 2687-3717 damage.
- Bul-Kathos
- Earthquake flat damage increased from .39-.76 to .6-.83.
- Earthquake
- Earthquake flat damage increased from .39-.76 to .6-.83.
- Dust Devil’s
- Dust Devil flat damage increased from .16-.25 to .22-.32.
- Windlasher
- Dust Devil flat damage increased from .16-.25 to .22-.32.
- Devilish
- Dust Devil flat damage increased from .20-.36 to .24-.38.
- Iron Warrior
- Damage Reduction increased from 10-20% to 15-25%.
- Overkill
- Damage increased from 16%-30% to 24-38%.
- Hellhammer
- Flat damage increased from .3-.5 to .6-.8.
- Earthspike
- Base damage increased from 16% to 17%.
- Spirit generated increased from 10 to 11.
- Fierce Earthspike Fortify increased from 4% to 8%.
- Wind Shear
- Base damage increased from 17% to 18%.
- Spirit generated increased from 12 to 13.
- Claw
- Base damage increased from 20% to 22%.
- Spirit generated increased from 10 to 11.
- Wild Claw Double Attack Chance increased from 10% to 15%.
- Fierce Claw base damage increased from 10% to 15%.
- Maul
- Base damage increased from 20% to 22%.
- Spirit generated increased from 14 to 15.
- Enhanced Maul Fortify increased from 2% to 3%.
- Lightning Storm
- Enhanced Lightning Storm duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
- Primal Lightning Storm’s chance to Immobilize increased from 8% to 12%.
- Shred
- Third Attack base damage increased from 60% to 70%.
- Enhanced Shred Healing increased from 1% to 2% of Maximum Life.
- Raging Shred’s base damage increased from 51% to 70%.
- Primal Shred’s Bonus Critical Strike Damage increased from 20% to 30%.
- Wolves
- Cooldown reduced from 14 to 11 seconds.
- Ferocious Wolfpack Lucky Hit chance increased from 10% to 40%.
- Hurricane
- Base damage increased from 97.5% to 134%.
- Rabies
- Base Poisoning damage increased from 53% to 76%.
- Cataclysm
- Base damage increased from 52% to 64%.
- Lacerate
- Base damage increased from 400% to 460%.
- Petrify
- Critical Strike Damage Bonus increased from 25% to 30%.
- Pummel
- Base damage increased from 140% to 180%.
- Bestial Rampage
- Attack Speed Bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
- Damage Bonus increased from 20% to 30%.
- Nature’s Fury
- Chance to cast a free spell increased from 20% to 30%.
- Lupine Ferocity
- Damage Bonus increased from 60% to 70%.
- Runeworker’s Conduit
- Flat damage increased from 1 to 1.4.
- Mangled
- Chance increased from 20-30% to 30-40%.
- Seismic-Shift
- Cooldown decreased from 2.5-1.5 to 2-1 seconds.
- Blurred Beast
- Damage increased from 60-90% to 70-100%.
- Reap
- Base damage increased from 12% to 13%.
- Acolyte Reap’s Cooldown between Corpses reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
- Decompose
- Base damage increased from 30% to 33%.
- Base Essence generated per second increased from 7 to 8.
- Corpses formed frequency increased from 2.5 to 2 seconds.
- Hemorrhage
- Base damage increased from 25% to 27%.
- Essence generated increased from 8 to 9.
- Bone Splinters
- Base damage increased from 8% to 9%.
- Essence generated increased from 6 to 7.
- Sever
- Initial base damage increased from 63% to 66%.
- Enhanced Sever’s return base damage increased from 25% to 40%.
- Blood Lance
- Supernatural Blood Lance Overpower requirement reduced from 8 to 6 casts.
- Bone Prison
- Cooldown reduced from 20 to 18 seconds.
- Dreadful Bone Prison’s Fortify increased from 5% to 8%.
- Iron Maiden
- Base damage increased from 10% to 20%.
- Horrid Iron Maiden damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
- Corpse Tendrils
- Blight Corpse Tendrils chance to spawn a Blood Orb increased from 30% to 35%.
- Bone Spikes
- Base damage increased from 80% to 120%.
- Raise Skeleton and Golem
- Minions will now always engage targets with a cast Curse.
- Kalan’s Edict
- Damage taken duration requirement reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
- Rathma’s Vigor
- Healthy duration requirement reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.
- Spiked Armor
- Thorns increased from .08/.16/.24 to .1/.2/.3.
- Bursting Bone
- Flat damage increased from .022-.03 to .045-.06.
- Flesh-Rending
- Essence gained increased from 10-20 to 20-40.
- Fastblood
- Ultimate Cooldown Reduction increased from .5-1 to 1-1.5 seconds.
- Invigorating Strike
- Base damage increased from 23% to 25%.
- Blade Shift
- Base damage increased from 15% to 16%.
- Heartseeker
- Base damage increased from 22% to 24%.
- Primary Heartseeker damage increased from 30% to 75%.
- Forceful Arrow
- Base damage increased from 20% to 22%.
- Barrage
- Base damage increased from 20% to 22%.
- Caltrops
- Methodical Caltrop’s Chill increased from 20% to 25%.
- Smoke Grenade
- Cooldown reduced from 15 to 13 seconds.
- Rain of Arrows
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 55 seconds.
- Prime Rain of Arrows imbuement potency increased from 20% to 30%.
- Volley
- Base damage increased from 70% to 105%.
- Close Quarters Combat
- Damage bonus increased from 20% to 30%.
- Escape Artist
- Cooldown decreased from 100 to 45 seconds.
- Umbrous
- Lucky Hit Chance to gain a Dark Shroud increased from 30-50% to 40-60%.
- Eyes in the Dark
- Increased Death Trap Cooldown reduced from 30-15% to 20-15%.
- Spark
- Base damage increased from 8% to 10%.
- Enhanced Spark damage increased from 5.6% to 7%.
- Flickering Spark chance increased from 3% to 4%.
- Frostbolt
- Base damage increased from 35% to 38%.
- Firebolt
- Burning damage increased from 40% to 44%.
- Charged Bolt
- Base damage increased from 28% to 30%.
- Incinerate
- Base damage increased from 49% to 54%.
- Enhanced Incinerate damage increased from 15% to 25%.
- Greater Incinerate Immobilize requirement reduced from 4 to 3 seconds.
- Fireball
- Mana cost decreased from 40 to 35.
- Frozen Orb
- Initial base damage increased from 32% to 36%.
- Explosion base damage increased from 29% to 34%.
- Greater Frozen Orb chance to apply Vulnerable increased from 25% to 30%.
- Blizzard
- Base damage increased from 120% to 130%.
- Ice Blades
- Chance to apply Vulnerable increased from 30% to 40%.
- Lightning Spear
- Summoned Lightning Spear’s maximum Damage Bonus increased from 100% to 160%.
- Crackling Energy
- Base damage increased from 15% to 20%.
- Freezing Wake
- Base damage increased from 60% to 110%.
- Abundant Energy
- Chance to chain to an additional enemy increased from 20-30% to 30-40%.
- Singed Extremities
- Slow amount increased from 25-35% to 40-60%.
- Incendiary
- Chance to restore Mana increased from 5-10% to 12-17%.
- Snowguard’s
- Damage Reduction increased from 10-15% to 20-25%.
- Concentration
- Mana Regeneration increased from 10-20% to 20-30%.
- Flamescar
- Flat damage increased from .1-.2 to .2-.3.
- Staff of Lam Esen
- Damage Reduction reduced from 40-30% to 35-25%.
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