** Diablo 4 Thread **

Just wanted to say thanks to Lynchie (unsure of who they are on here)

I was doing the dungeon to unlock WT4 and could not kill the boss. Put a message in the clan group chat and they offered to help, came in with his level 79 Necro and 1 shotted him.....lol

I was level 62 and the other random was 58
is this the cause of Lag? has it been confirmed or is it just rumour? Will be a problem if it is cause i play with 3 xbox players from PC and lastnight the lag was insane, pinging well over 1000ms and totally unplayable.

I use cross play and don't mind the occasional lag but I've seen a few streams that game the PvP system by removing crossplay and it's 10x smoother.
what's the requirements for the clan? I've requested twice and been refused. SwampySi#1534
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The problem with this as the meta is it means you basically need to check all rares you get, I'd not mind it so much if they dropped less often and were on average better rolled, at least then it's not like one dungeon manual check entire inventory.

This game has a real itemisation problem which would be fixed if they gave some game-changing uniques that were worth chasing, at least then you can rule out some slots for drop checks.

Yeah this is a pain, i've done this on numeral occasions and it takes a lot of time especially if you're in a group you'll be missing out on a lot of Cinders.
Yeah this is a pain, i've done this on numeral occasions and it takes a lot of time especially if you're in a group you'll be missing out on a lot of Cinders.
I assume when you get a good roll on a rare you upgrade it using the codex to a legendary?

I normally sell off the yellows so maybe I should pay a bit more attention
I assume when you get a good roll on a rare you upgrade it using the codex to a legendary?

I normally sell off the yellows so maybe I should pay a bit more attention

Yes that's correct, using an aspect which i've salvaged a ton of (usually the best rolled ones) to imprint it onto the rare instantly makes it a legendary. Sacred or Ancestral rares are better usually though, BUT i have had regular rares which are better than both lol so go figure :cry:.
Yeah this is a pain, i've done this on numeral occasions and it takes a lot of time especially if you're in a group you'll be missing out on a lot of Cinders.

Group play in this generally isn't as smooth as you can't tele to other players directly anymore, like you could in D3, have to go back to main town first. I don't know why they've not included tele to player via portrait of group member like we had in D3.

Even if you do tele to player via town it often throws you somewhere random, like where they were 30 seconds ago, or in my case nowhere near where they are.

Prior to allowing you to open NM dungeons and go there from town, I also had a nightmare getting the group to actually accept and go there, on team chat with 3-4 of us, one guy hasn't accepted and no idea who, but busy/distracted etc.

Party leader should be able to approve NM dungeon when one is opened without whole party accepting it.

Few times also had bugs where we couldn't join the same NM dungeon, it was like we were on different servers and one person loading in would kick the others out.
I assume when you get a good roll on a rare you upgrade it using the codex to a legendary?

I normally sell off the yellows so maybe I should pay a bit more attention

The legendaries aren't anything special stat wise except they have an aspect applied already, you definitely do want to more carefully check rares as they can be better, and once you've upgraded/socketed/imprinted then they can be the best gear you can get.
The legendaries aren't anything special stat wise except they have an aspect applied already, you definitely do want to more carefully check rares as they can be better, and once you've upgraded/socketed/imprinted then they can be the best gear you can get.

You only farm legendaries for the better rolled aspects, that's the only real reason for them tbh unless they just so happen to have really good rolled stats too. Otherwise its far better to find a good stat rare and imprint it to legendary.
Group play in this generally isn't as smooth as you can't tele to other players directly anymore, like you could in D3, have to go back to main town first. I don't know why they've not included tele to player via portrait of group member like we had in D3.

Even if you do tele to player via town it often throws you somewhere random, like where they were 30 seconds ago, or in my case nowhere near where they are.

Prior to allowing you to open NM dungeons and go there from town, I also had a nightmare getting the group to actually accept and go there, on team chat with 3-4 of us, one guy hasn't accepted and no idea who, but busy/distracted etc.

Party leader should be able to approve NM dungeon when one is opened without whole party accepting it.

Few times also had bugs where we couldn't join the same NM dungeon, it was like we were on different servers and one person loading in would kick the others out.

Yeah i feel you on those issues, also had the issue of some members in the party not being able to chat in party and can only do it in clan chat which is a weird bug! The teleport thing is a weird thing i feel should have been included from day one really.
The legendaries aren't anything special stat wise except they have an aspect applied already, you definitely do want to more carefully check rares as they can be better, and once you've upgraded/socketed/imprinted then they can be the best gear you can get.

Ill keep that in mind may help me find something better

Yes that's correct, using an aspect which i've salvaged a ton of (usually the best rolled ones) to imprint it onto the rare instantly makes it a legendary. Sacred or Ancestral rares are better usually though, BUT i have had regular rares which are better than both lol so go figure :cry:.

sounds about right, I better check my gear rather than just selling it all lol
Yeah i feel you on those issues, also had the issue of some members in the party not being able to chat in party and can only do it in clan chat which is a weird bug! The teleport thing is a weird thing i feel should have been included from day one really.

It's like it snapshots location and then teleports you there, and periodically updates the location that the server sees.

Makes sense I guess, but if you're actually doing it, it should query and update it immediately.

Portal to party member is a big loss wonder if they'll re-add it.
Ill keep that in mind may help me find something better

sounds about right, I better check my gear rather than just selling it all lol

I tend to balance what i sell and salvage. Anything under 12k i salvage for veiled crystals which will be important for levelling up items, anything above that margin i sell for money. It's usually gloves and boots that are below that range though so makes it a little easier when sifting through all my loot.
It's like it snapshots location and then teleports you there, and periodically updates the location that the server sees.

Makes sense I guess, but if you're actually doing it, it should query and update it immediately.

Portal to party member is a big loss wonder if they'll re-add it.

I mean you can portal to party member, i do it in helltide all the time to get back to whoever it is im trying to get to but its not always that accurate like you said.
Aspect salvaging I don't hate the idea of, but they should really go into aspect salvage book and not just be identical icons in no order whatsoever when you sort them! :D

Yup, not so bad if you don't have a lot but when you start getting into a page full in your storage chest it starts to get abit messy and it really does take a lot of time to sift through it all which i absolutely hate doing lol.
I mean you can portal to party member, i do it in helltide all the time to get back to whoever it is im trying to get to but its not always that accurate like you said.

Yeah but it's just extra steps going back to town is pointless extra thing you need to do for some reason that isn't clear.
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