** Diablo 4 Thread **

This sounds fun! Still debating which character i want to start again with when season 1 comes out, was looking at a rogue but I like the sound of being able to 1 shot a mob :D

Barbarian with the spinning attack and an aspect that applies pulling in mobs does a similar thing but i find it much more satisfying to see mobs getting pulled in then get exploded all in one go. Super effective during helltide especially if you get into tight and narrow paths and corners.
Thanks for the Clan membership.

Levelling my 2nd character, a rogue, I find it MUCH more fun to play th the sorcerer.. Wish I'd done rogue first.. Also finding levelling a lot easier.. not sure if that's because its the 2nd character but seems much faster.
Thanks for the Clan membership.

Levelling my 2nd character, a rogue, I find it MUCH more fun to play th the sorcerer.. Wish I'd done rogue first.. Also finding levelling a lot easier.. not sure if that's because its the 2nd character but seems much faster.

The recent xp boost might have something to do with that too.
Necro solo build without minions is by far the most fun i've had so far. Really keeps you on your toes and being able to one shot most mob types is glorious!
I’m looking to run a Necro build for Season 1 and then a new char for each season. I have already bought the extra cosmetic items for it already :) I must be Blizzards best customer lol
I’m looking to run a Necro build for Season 1 and then a new char for each season. I have already bought the extra cosmetic items for it already :) I must be Blizzards best customer lol

I mean you're using your fancy emote at least, even though we died twice fighting wold boss :cry:.
Thanks for the Clan membership.

Levelling my 2nd character, a rogue, I find it MUCH more fun to play th the sorcerer.. Wish I'd done rogue first.. Also finding levelling a lot easier.. not sure if that's because its the 2nd character but seems much faster.

This is the same for me also. The rogue is my favourite character so far.
Thanks for the Clan membership.

Levelling my 2nd character, a rogue, I find it MUCH more fun to play th the sorcerer.. Wish I'd done rogue first.. Also finding levelling a lot easier.. not sure if that's because its the 2nd character but seems much faster.
I'm finding the same thing as well.

Sorc is level 62 and started a necro as never played this in D3 due to having to pay for it. Started to find the build\class a bit boring but this could be because I'm finding it hard to find gear for it. Everything that drop seems to have stats I do not want and no where near what I need for my build.

Kinda want to stick to the sorc with how much I've done on it but am enjoying the necro.
Just hit 90 and the moment i did the butcher spawned in a lvl 94 NM dungeon, slapped his ass and he dropped me a pitiful sacred ring.

Love the game still but hate difficulty of upgrading gear once your lvl 70+, even finding/reviewing items with potential is a pain.
big kudos to kymbo his barbie was awesome we done some helltide etc earelier and it was good fun, i just followed him about lol

deffo a big increase on power after the last time and just upgraded more :)

last time if i got split up from the party i would be knackered but i can kill things now in wt4 and survive now, yay mage is less squishy+ more dps and just upgraded again :) any time he draws enemys in with his barbie i throw blizzards and ice orbs about at em all while their all in one spot :) just awesome fun :)
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if any one wants a hand on wt3 stuff give me a shout in game zarozinia i think lol more than happy to help any one :)

oops my bad xzenon#2611 is my account name zarozinia is my mage chars name :P
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The grind is done!

if any one wants a hand on wt3 stuff give me a shout in game zarozinia i think lol more than happy to help any one :)

oops my bad xzenon#2611 is my account name zarozinia is my mage chars name :p
Are you in the clan? I wouldn't mind teaming up to do some helltide stuff when my mate isn't on.
Nice, how long has that taken you?

d4armory says..

Brokkah (lvl 100 Barbarian)​

Play Time : 4 days 20 hours 44 minutes
Last Time Played : 21/06/2023, 11:27:39 - This can't be right!
Monsters Killed : 257909
Elites Killed : 11475
Gold Collected : 88769269
Power : 801
World Tier : 4
Last Update : 30/06/2023, 08:08:12

The recent patch helped motivate me to push through the 90s, the exp rate is pretty decent now tbh and given the general issue with itemization I just left most rares on the floor which reduced downtime in town.

Now to see if I can crack the level 100 pinnacle boss, I did a couple of exploratory runs and got my ass handed to me so that might take some time. Reminds me of pre-nerf Inferno Diablo in D3, that required a flawless run to beat as being hit by anything was a one-shot for my character. Got it the night before it got nerfed, was well chuffed!
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Whats the best way to farm for legendary items?

I've gone back to WT3 as too squishy on WT4 and need to farm better gear for my sorc
Whats the best way to farm for legendary items?

I've gone back to WT3 as too squishy on WT4 and need to farm better gear for my sorc

Helltide mystery chests are 2-4 legendaries each. NM dungeons you are guaranteed one on completion in WT4, I think that was the same in WT3.
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