** Diablo 4 Thread **

Just decided to solo run a Helltide that was halfway done after hearing the doom and gloom nerfs that have ruined peoples enjoyment of them. Farmed 500 cinders in 26 mins and got 2 chests and was happy with my run. I didn't find the cinder drop rate to be nerfed but obviously the difference from needing an extra 75 cinders for a mysterious chest is a big increase. Getting 4 mysterious chests in an hours run is very achievable from my experience.
So tried Rogue last night with the nerfs and to be honest this will probably be best for S1. Twisting Blades Poison build and use Bane Glyph :- this increases poison damage, this along with closer and chip glyph will help with Physical and Cutthroat damage. Stack poison damage with on rings, leggings, necklace. and look for a stat on weapons that increases chance for poison to do extra xyz damage.
So tried Rogue last night with the nerfs and to be honest this will probably be best for S1. Twisting Blades Poison build and use Bane Glyph :- this increases poison damage, this along with closer and chip glyph will help with Physical and Cutthroat damage. Stack poison damage with on rings, leggings, necklace. and look for a stat on weapons that increases chance for poison to do extra xyz damage.
My current Rogue cookie cutter build is Puncture with Barrage with Shadow and Poison Imbue with Poison trap as CC. Levels up pretty quickly and can be tanky enough if you Siphoning Strikes.

Something like the follow build

You can interchange Barrage with Rapid Fire for more single target damage if you want. Got 3 skill points spare , but I have chucked them into damage reduction over time and control impairing effects as I play hardcore
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Had to check if it was April with those patch notes.. what the actual..

Resistances and defense = nerfed
Outgoing damage = nerfed
Exp gain from high level enemies = nerfed

They want this game to just be a slow, unfun grind? They went in like the opposite direction of what they should have, and focused more on numbers than features.

The one good thing is those who purchased the ultimate edition don't have to activate the season pass for season 1, you can just hold it for a future season when blizzard fixes all these fuckups

The only saving grace. I'm gonna give S1 a miss I think. You support Blizz by buying the premium version and then they just put this kinda garbage patch out.
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Had to check if it was April with those patch notes.. what the actual..

Resistances and defense = nerfed
Outgoing damage = nerfed
Exp gain from high level enemies = nerfed

They want this game to just be a slow, unfun grind? They went in like the opposite direction of what they should have, and focused more on numbers than features.

The only saving grace. I'm gonna give S1 a miss I think. You support Blizz by buying the premium version and then they just put this kinda garbage patch out.

Well, resistances don't work anyway, so...
Just decided to solo run a Helltide that was halfway done after hearing the doom and gloom nerfs that have ruined peoples enjoyment of them. Farmed 500 cinders in 26 mins and got 2 chests and was happy with my run. I didn't find the cinder drop rate to be nerfed but obviously the difference from needing an extra 75 cinders for a mysterious chest is a big increase. Getting 4 mysterious chests in an hours run is very achievable from my experience.
Rhykker mentioned in his vid, that the droprate of cinders was bugged and that they're fixing it. the only nerf really was the amount of cinders required.
Just decided to solo run a Helltide that was halfway done after hearing the doom and gloom nerfs that have ruined peoples enjoyment of them. Farmed 500 cinders in 26 mins and got 2 chests and was happy with my run. I didn't find the cinder drop rate to be nerfed but obviously the difference from needing an extra 75 cinders for a mysterious chest is a big increase. Getting 4 mysterious chests in an hours run is very achievable from my experience.

The nerf has already been reversed, that's why you can get so many cinders. Just yesterday you'd have gotten 150 cinders at best and you could only open 1 mystery chest per helltide
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I uninstalled it lol. I think we all knew Blizzard (not really them anymore) had it in them to screw up, but I don't think anyone predicted the first massive patch/season would take pretty much every aspect of the game backwards.

Looks like they're having an emergency campfire chat tomorrow, where they'll no doubt come up with some super-strength copium on why they've made these changes.
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So tried Rogue last night with the nerfs and to be honest this will probably be best for S1. Twisting Blades Poison build and use Bane Glyph :- this increases poison damage, this along with closer and chip glyph will help with Physical and Cutthroat damage. Stack poison damage with on rings, leggings, necklace. and look for a stat on weapons that increases chance for poison to do extra xyz damage.

The T3 and T4 malignant heart gems for necromancer I think could place it above other classes, they just look so good.

Necromancer gems will: Automatically trigger corpse explosions, automatically apply curses to enemies, and buff all necromancer damage by 75%
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The nerf has already been reversed, that's why you can get so many cinders. Just yesterday you'd have gotten 150 cinders at best and you could only open 1 mystery chest per helltide
Ah ok that explains it then. The only other big change I noticed from my recent Helltide was that my char was much more squishy than before and a few times I was taken down to a quarter health but nothing too serious.
It's only just hit me how they haven't even added WT5 for Season 1. Surely that addition alone would have prevented a lot of the patch drama
The T3 and T4 malignant heart gems for necromancer I think could place it above other classes, they just look so good.

Necromancer gems will: Automatically trigger corpse explosions, automatically apply curses to enemies, and buff all necromancer damage by 75%
These look great and definitely pushing me to choose Necro for s1 over Rogue
For me, the biggest missing feature is auto group. If they added an auto group button to the login like D3 so solo players could choose to be grouped, I could ignore all the other missing things. They could even just add a find group/matchmaking when entering dungeons like lost-ark has.
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I’m not sure how auto-grouping would make the game any more enticing to play in its current state.

I agree the feature should be there but it wouldn’t change anything for me in terms of wanting to play it.
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For me, the biggest missing feature is auto group. If they added an auto group button to the login like D3 so solo players could choose to be grouped, I could ignore all the other missing things. They could even just add a find group/matchmaking when entering dungeons like lost-ark has.
I've played the game solo from release and public match making\grouping is something I miss.

I did 1 dungeon with a friend and quote enjoying it compared to solo just seems more enjoyable when your in a group and the extra XP is also good.
I've played the game solo from release and public match making\grouping is something I miss.

I did 1 dungeon with a friend and quote enjoying it compared to solo just seems more enjoyable when your in a group and the extra XP is also good.
Same here, adding auto group is probably the only thing that would keep me playing, solo the grind feels 10x harder and it gets boring much faster.
I know what you mean, it makes a difference if you decide to play or not
I will be on late this evening and most nights if you want to exp party a new char on S1. There is a lot of other players in the clan who welcome running parties with the clan so just let people know in the clan if you want to run an exp party and I'm sure you will have takers.
I will be on late this evening and most nights if you want to exp party a new char on S1. There is a lot of other players in the clan who welcome running parties with the clan so just let people know in the clan if you want to run an exp party and I'm sure you will have takers.
Cheers, I am hoping to be on tonight for S1, thinking either Necro or Rouge as used sorc as my first character already
For me, the biggest missing feature is auto group. If they added an auto group button to the login like D3 so solo players could choose to be grouped, I could ignore all the other missing things. They could even just add a find group/matchmaking when entering dungeons like lost-ark has.

I think this is something they are missing, dungeon events that offer good unique but are harder, for example maybe bosses have timed attacks and you have to work as a team either you get one shotted, this is something lost ark did offer and challenging, this would be based on your level so you wouldn't be put with someone level 100.

Lost ark has daily like chaos dungeons but also bosses that get harder on each level, the problem with D4 that there is not really much to do apart from Dungeons or Helltide. you do sometime get events in the world but they are very few and far between.

I am surprised that they didn't add either a knight / paladin character but then blizzard does not like fun.

Is it me or does the game feel lifeless?
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