** Diablo 4 Thread **

Cheers, I am hoping to be on tonight for S1, thinking either Necro or Rouge as used sorc as my first character already
I think both are good choices but I’m picking necro as the malignant heart bonuses seem better and minion necro seems fun to level up with
I am surprised that they didn't add either a knight / paladin character but then blizzard does not like fun.

Is it me or does the game feel lifeless?
Not for a season they wont, they undoubtedly will add classes but they will come in the proper expansions, at least thats the way they've added classes in all the previous Diablo titles.

Doesnt feel lifeless to me but then again I only ever play with other people so I'm never alone and I also have a higher tolerance for things in games than many people do
I think this is something they are missing, dungeon events that offer good unique but are harder, for example maybe bosses have timed attacks and you have to work as a team either you get one shotted, this is something lost ark did offer and challenging, this would be based on your level so you wouldn't be put with someone level 100.

Lost ark has daily like chaos dungeons but also bosses that get harder on each level, the problem with D4 that there is not really much to do apart from Dungeons or Helltide. you do sometime get events in the world but they are very few and far between.

I am surprised that they didn't add either a knight / paladin character but then blizzard does not like fun.

Is it me or does the game feel lifeless?
Lost Ark is good, much better than D4 and its free. That said, I am a solo player, so I did not do any of the bigger RAID’s as they are too difficult for groups of randoms. Also, some of the stuff required for levelling is in RAID’s so I stopped playing it as I could not level anymore. I hope they do not add things like that as it kills it for solo players, even with matchmaking.
I think both are good choices but I’m picking necro as the malignant heart bonuses seem better and minion necro seems fun to level up with
I was thinking Necro as never played that class before, I never bought the DLC for D3 to use this class so would be good to use a class I've not used before as always wanted to try it but not at £13 to unlock it lol
Such a shame. I was expecting a lot more from Blizz for this game. D3 seasons were great with all the stuff they added, rifts, grifts, cube, set pieces, etc etc. D4 doesn't seem to have anything like this and very few variations of builds. I'll buy in a year or so or in sale when/if they add more content.
Looking to go Necro this time around as the malignant hearts look good, not sure how good the levelling is in terms of speed. With no movement skills I hope its not too slow.

I do like Rogue but played that in the pre season so I should try something else. Rogue levelling speed is sooooo tempting though.
Looking to go Necro this time around as the malignant hearts look good, not sure how good the levelling is in terms of speed. With no movement skills I hope its not too slow.

I do like Rogue but played that in the pre season so I should try something else. Rogue levelling speed is sooooo tempting though.
Think most people seem to want to go Necro for S1! No idea about levelling speed but heard minion build is strong for levelling up early game but loses steam at higher levels.
Hasn't vulnerable damage and crit damage been nerfed? Pretty much what makes a Necro good, i haven't jumped back in yet but im not looking forward to it lol.
Think most people seem to want to go Necro for S1! No idea about levelling speed but heard minion build is strong for levelling up early game but loses steam at higher levels.
I played Necro in one of the Beta's and it was the easiest levelling experience I have had. As easy as Rogue but less work as the minions did all the work.
I think Necro will need more aspects compared to Rogue but that should be fine. I'm not in the less than 1% of people who are racing to 100.
I got until 10pm tonight to decide which is when I can get online.
Bone Spear necros can still clear Uber Lillith and are considered S tier even after the patch. Clunky to play at first but it does get better as you add more essence generation to the build and rely less on corpse explosion for your resource generation.
There has been a new patch whereby Maligant hearts now always grant armour according to their item power. A slight improvement in terms of survivability.

Maybe I can finally play my first choice of sorc now Lol.
Haha, yeah still toying between sorc or necro. Played rougue first.
Don't, whatever you do, choose sorc for S1. It will be a miserable experience that'll only get worse as you progress toward the end game. Necro's might be ok ( relatively speaking ) in S1 due to some of the minion/skill buffs they've received. By all accounts, even a bone spear build is still decent despite the nerfs. I think Rogue and Druid are the best choices for S1 though.
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Going druid again,played rogue in eternal realm until level 65 tried all builds more or less but got bored [although penetrating shot was a fun build]
Tried Druid and never looked back so many builds and variations.
----- if i ever get ingame , damn queues.
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Should you only do the season characters once you've completed the original campaign? Still working through that and don't want to miss anything on that.
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