** Diablo 4 Thread **

Hopefully they'll be quick to revert/fix this when they lose most of the player base. haha who am i kidding its blizzard they've already made millions from the hype train. Hopefully it'll at least be fun to play in a few years.

It's all gone really predictably, huge initial positivity, insane hype, the early game and presentation are excellent (by all accounts), then the shine starts to come off, and the reality sets in that's there's little to no depth, the systems suck, and Blizzard don't know what they're doing.

What's to be remebered is that this isn't really Blizzard at all, but people still make that association that they're the same devs that dominated gaming and gave WOW to the world.
surely doing nothig would have been better than this patch.
Yup, pretty much. This will turn hordes of people away from even trying S1. Basically this patch has confirmed, to me at least, that they have no additional content in the pipeline, despite being advertised as a "live service" game. Stuff like the malignant hearts theme in S1 were already created and carved off the base game to be drip fed to the player base over the next 1-2 years. Any meaningful content will be delivered as part of a paid DLC/expansion. Until then all we can expect is Blizz devs tweaking a few numbers up/down to make the game more grindy.
Yup, pretty much. This will turn hordes of people away from even trying S1. Basically this patch has confirmed, to me at least, that they have no additional content in the pipeline, despite being advertised as a "live service" game. Stuff like the malignant hearts theme in S1 were already created and carved off the base game to be drip fed to the player base over the next 1-2 years. Any meaningful content will be delivered as part of a paid DLC/expansion. Until then all we can expect is Blizz devs tweaking a few numbers up/down to make the game more grindy.
Sad if this turns out to be true, they could have made s1 great by adding some awesome new content, ive not played poe much but i remember new seasons added totally new game types etc hopefully they can do something similar.
i always feel that the NM dungeons look pretty much all the same, there's no diversity compared to D3, you had spider caves, heaven and hell, sand dunes, prison cells.

Don't even get me started on Affixes!, lets make dungeons more tedious by adding a lightning storm overhead that can one shot you if you are not in the shield. Or the one that stomps you when taking on Elites that CC you constantly. most dungeons don't give any meaningful drops and to only upgrade glyphs that max level is 21.

They have nerfed the game as there is no end game content apart from doing higher tiers on the same dungeons over and over, so they have made the progression slower.
I will be on Thurs evening and pretty much every late evening if there’s anyone else that’s crazy enough to want to play S1 after the nerfs.
Blizz will be weighing up the cost of the server infrastructure vs the money they’re getting from season passes.

It’s probably in their interests to see player numbers drop so they can justify offloading hardware.

Feels like to me they know there's nothing to do after you ding 100...
So "for the long term health of the game" (or in other words, to maintain something to work towards), they're making 100 that much more unattainable.
Makes sense in a way... I mean how else to achieve that other than raise the level cap?
From the Reddit: Patch 1.1 tier list.


Yup, pretty much. This will turn hordes of people away from even trying S1. Basically this patch has confirmed, to me at least, that they have no additional content in the pipeline, despite being advertised as a "live service" game. Stuff like the malignant hearts theme in S1 were already created and carved off the base game to be drip fed to the player base over the next 1-2 years. Any meaningful content will be delivered as part of a paid DLC/expansion. Until then all we can expect is Blizz devs tweaking a few numbers up/down to make the game more grindy.

Not a hope in hell they can match the scope of poe leagues.

Path of Exile have their development pipeline incredibly streamlined, there's just no way blizzard could keep up, they just have to much bureaucracy that would prevent it happening, this also prevents them doing rapid changes as each thing has to go through a dozen different managers before it's approved.

Case in point no changes to stash space the number 1 complained about thing in the game. How does it take this long to change a database number from 4 to 8 or higher.
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it's a cheap way of blizzard not adding content, just make the old content take an aeon to complete et voila, content for a year................
I can see it now, during the camp fire chat this Friday, Blizz devs announce a new Uber-unique to appease the player base. It will only take on average 1000 hrs of playtime to get the item. And the item is the Butt plug of Restoration ... just sock it into your character's malignant tunnel and it will cancel the effects of patch 1.1. There, better than a Shako ! Truly the most uber of uber uniques. I should be a Blizz dev :D
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Debating to buy it today for season launch tomorrow. Is it worth it? I got thousands of hours in D3 and loved it. But I'm not sure it'll be the same for D4. How are the builds? I checked a couple on icy veins but doesn't seem to be much variation.

Give me your honest opinion. Thanks
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