** Diablo 4 Thread **

Especially with so many people saying that the latest patch has killed the game and that they arent going to bother playing S1 anymore. You'd think there wouldnt be so many trying to log in !
I've been in and out since 18:30 - I kept getting stuck in loading screens so had to Alt F4 a lot and now I'm in a never ending Start Pending loop ... oh well
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Especially with so many people saying that the latest patch has killed the game and that they arent going to bother playing S1 anymore. You'd think there wouldnt be so many trying to log in !

there's probably a lot of DDOS going on from people who don't like the patch notes
So I thought id try out S1 just to see what its like and I had the Vicious Heart drop early on so I just walk about with corpses exploding left right and centre. Its fun at the moment
I can't actually load any Dungeons. Got to Lv4 in S1 just killing landscape, but can't continue the story.

Might need to switcheroo to Battle Bit
Same as everyone else buddy. I'm just doing events, side quests just now. Avoiding dungeons until I hear they're sorted.
How can it be this bad?

They probably took down some servers when the player count started dropping but took too many down and now there arent enough servers so you go to a queue even though there is less people playing now than at launch

This isn't just a blizzard issue either, other companies do the same thing - they are so focused on cost cutting they'd rather take servers offline if they aren't full and make players queue
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They probably took down some servers when the player count started dropping but took too many down and now there arent enough servers so you go to a queue even though there is less people playing now than at launch

This isn't just a blizzard issue either, other companies do the same thing - they are so focused on cost cutting they'd rather take servers offline if they aren't full and make players queue

They've already had everyone's money anyway...
Got in few times but couldnt leave towns or enter dungeons .


So basically even once you're logged in and it looks like one big map it's not, the game is broken into many instances and these instances are on other servers, so if the Kyvoshad server is not full you can login but if the Dungeon server is full then you can do the dungeon and there is no queue other than the login queue so you just stuck and can't play the game
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