** Diablo 4 Thread **

fair play i tried a few of the tormented bosses but didnt get close. Killed all the ubers apart from lilith its funny cuz so far it always seems like a build needs to be busted in some sense to do the hardest content and by that stage it doesnt even matter about the mechanics its just a case of a one shot or invulnerability etc. Watched a few of the thorns barb runs someone did 130 on one in the pit, one of the things i quickly got tired of in D3 was the greater rift fishing. Anyway if the game launched as per season 4 it would have been off to a great start, as it stands now its in a good place. Lets see how they can improve endgame going forward
Just started, can't believe not played a diablo game the first one briefly other arpg captivated me.

Rolled a sorcerer have zero idea what I am doing apart from a fire bolt
Best season by far but now my enthusiasm is waning. Got a Double Swing Dust Devil Barb, absolutely rinses through a lot of stuff, uber bosses and pit runs up to level 70, after that and it's hit and miss depending on the boss I get. So now I've hit that point where I'm basically having to grind gear drops to get that better that extra 1% better stuff to progress or grinding pit runs over and over to get fully rank gear, which is where it becomes slightly tedious given how limited the content is with the game at this stage.
I'm still enjoying myself, up to pit 110 and can definitely push higher with some more masterworking etc with 95ish on farm. One game changer for me I discovered today is you can now de-couple LMB from basic attack so it can be move only, and you can bind interact/basic attack to different keys. Such a big QoL difference I'm amazed it took this long to implement (or I just missed it previously :D )

Doing pretty well on the uber-unqiue hunt this season too - Shako, Andariels (x2), Tyreals and Selig so far!
Via resplendent sparks or by grinding uber bosses ?

I used sparks for the Shako and the rest from uber/tormented bosses. You get so many summoning mats now the hardest part is the tedium of killing varshan/grigore over and over. I’d be happy if they added a transmute option since I don’t need the uniques they drop.
How do clans work in D4 ?
They are almost redundant, as things stand. Other than a clan "tag" and chat channel there is no additional benefit to being in one. Pretty much all of the social features in D4 are severely under-developed.
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How do clans work in D4 ?
Its just a group of people and a group chat in game.

If people are on and your stuck you can ask for help or try and arrange a group.

They are almost redundant, as things stand. Other than a clan "tag" and chat channel there is no additional benefit to being in one. Pretty much all of the social features in D4 are severely under-developed.
This is 1 thing I miss in D4.

In D3 I enjoyed playing with randoms in Rifts\Greater Rifts\bounties but in D4 there is none of this. No way of joining randoms to farm for gear, quests only track for story mode between a group, all side quests do not.

Unless you have people on your Friends list or use Discord\Clan group your on your own and its all a manual process.
Thanks, that's a good explanation.

I don't suppose it matters as just running around solo levelling atm. Playing it on Gamepass and enjoying so might for out for the full shindig me thinks.
Picked this up in the steam sale sale now was going to push the button on friday but go sidetracked. Win win.

Cancelled game pass as well as I can't see me playing much else for a while.
Picked this up in the steam sale sale now was going to push the button on friday but go sidetracked. Win win.

Cancelled game pass as well as I can't see me playing much else for a while.

Still haven't picked it up yet. How much did you get it for via steam sale?
By the way it's on sale on steam at the moment until june the 8th. Standard edition is £30.

Also on 'sale' on battle.net as well.
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