** Diablo 4 Thread **

The game's cross platform, so you can play with a controller on PC or you can even play with a controller on a console - and be in a party with your friends on PC.

What are friends? Seriously though, I'd love to play co-op on the hardcore mode with people, but want it to be fun not sweaty min-maxing and shouting if people make mistakes.
So having played Path of Exile for years, I think I will be picking this up. Having played the betas, I was expecting quite a bit more from it in terms of quality of life stuff that other games have but Im sure this will be added over the years. Just a question now if I should pay the extra £20 to get early access. Torn between either a sorcerer or Rogue for first play through. :confused:

Anyone confirm that we can play Thursday 1st June at midnight, UK?
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Yep midnight on the Thursday for the UK.

As for the early access, if you are at all competitive are you happy to be starting behind everyone else, because you can guarantee people will be 50+ and farming high end game content, before the game is officially launched on the 6th.
I generally don't mind starting after people but it really would be nice to play over the weekend, I think the hype is getting to me. lol.
Yep midnight on the Thursday for the UK.

As for the early access, if you are at all competitive are you happy to be starting behind everyone else, because you can guarantee people will be 50+ and farming high end game content, before the game is officially launched on the 6th.

Asking out of naivety, what difference does it make what other players are doing?
It doesn't really I don't think, I'm not going to worry about it personally.

I do have some friends I tend to play with though, so I may do 2 characters, one I play exclusively in a party with them, the other I solo when I'm not partying.
Only two things spring to mind that may or may not bother you: 1) trade prices will be cheaper in the beginning 2) world first acclaims on content

Trade prices?

Maybe I missed something, trade on what? (I've tried not to read into what the end game includes too much as I want to leave some surprises for main launch).

World firsts or w/e don't bother me, I doubt I'd even know if I was 1st of 100000 at doing something haha.
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Only two things spring to mind that may or may not bother you: 1) trade prices will be cheaper in the beginning 2) world first acclaims on content

Yeah I think I'm fine, thank you. Dont ever recall any kind of trading on D3, must have missed that,
Upgrade gear to kill things quicker to get bettter gear to kill things even quicker.
That could be a description of FPS too, actually I suppose even games like Total War and Civilization fit that. I upgrade my buildings and units to kill things quicker, to getter better stats to kill things even quicker.

Thats the theory at least, what usually happens is that the AI cheats and churns out more units for less resources than I ever could and I get swamped :D
It's very clever that they start the early access on a Friday, with main release on a Tuesday. It's usually it's the opposite in other games. Most people are happy to wait until the weekend to start playing and so won't fork out. Here those people will be waiting a week if they can't play during weeknights.
For the ballers*


*that can't 3d print their own​
It's very clever that they start the early access on a Friday, with main release on a Tuesday. It's usually it's the opposite in other games. Most people are happy to wait until the weekend to start playing and so won't fork out. Here those people will be waiting a week if they can't play during weeknights.
Its an American influence, Tuesday is the common release day for games in the US. Has been since 1992, originally it was so that if there were any delivery delays to the customer the customer would have Weds, Thurs, Fri for the game to arrive via post in time for the weekend. Even though most games are digitial now, the Tuesday release day just kind of stuck and we still see it on many releases (Last of Us for example which released on a Tuesday). However whereas Tuesday was always the traditional release day in the US, Friday has traditionally been the release day over here. So as you see, its not a Diablo, or even Blizzard thing, its just an Americanisation. Tbh, I think we'll see more and more releases moving to a Tuesday release to fall in line with the US.
Its pure FOMO really in terms of the early access. They have confirmed there wont be any leaderboards present for the first couple of seasons, theres no "race" as such and lets be honest the streamers and no lifeers wont be competing on level terms with anyone outside their peers.

Ive went back and forth debating purchasing any edition of this game from the closed beta. Im weak willed so i will most likely end up getting the edition to get in on the 2nd, i pumped so many hours into Diablo 3 which was part of the annual pass originally. If i dont get at least a couple of hundred hours out of Diablo 4 id be very disappointed.

If theres enough of us who do plan on jumping on board lets get another OCUK clan up and running from the start :)
Its pure FOMO really in terms of the early access.
Not just the early access, Diablo 4 is going to be the biggest selling PC title of 2023, the FOMO of the title as a whole will be strong. I bet more than one person on these forums who has posted to say they arent getting it/paying that much for it, will end up getting it. FOMO is the ultimate endgame Boss mob :D
PC gamers are so flaming cheap, I've been playing d3 for what 10 years on and off? more than got my moneys worth.

How can people who buy top end hardware complain about a game being £60?

I completely agree... to a degree.

£60 at launch i can completely get behind as someone who also spent thousands of hours on d3 i have happily purchased this and can't wait to play the full release and get to level cap and start having some real fun! However, Blizzard in particular but not exclusively need to realise not everyone wants to nor can afford to spent £60 on a game... it is a lot of money especially in this financial climate and they should offer reasonable discounts within the games early life. Give more people the chance to play it. It won't happen though it will still be £60 in 5 years and probably even 10.
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