** Diamonds are a girls best friend **

Thanks Ace, glad to hear I was one of the lucky ones! You do have me listed as JPM 78 though, in case you can't find my linked address against that ID! Thanks again, JMP_78 ;)
dammit I looked at the thread when it was posted and thought it was the usual advertising :(

I did wonder why everyone was posting

"Diamonds are a girls best friend"

24-carat please

DiamondMark's been branching out!

I'd be interested in what people reckon to it :). For as-long as I remember I've been using Artic Silver 5, but if this new stuff is better than AS5....
In regards to testing this, I'm a little worried. I've been reading online that it's pretty abrasive and can remove the intel/amd markings from the top's of CPU's quite easily, and is also nigh on impossible to remove.

Does anyone have any more info on this?
In regards to testing this, I'm a little worried. I've been reading online that it's pretty abrasive and can remove the intel/amd markings from the top's of CPU's quite easily, and is also nigh on impossible to remove.

Does anyone have any more info on this?

Any links for those, one of the reasons i didnt opt for the ceramic compound was, that i dont really associate ceramics with being easily maluble. Could be very troublesome if its hard to remove (afaik cant rma a chip with its 'markings' gone ala being lapped etc?)
Any links for those, one of the reasons i didnt opt for the ceramic compound was, that i dont really associate ceramics with being easily maluble. Could be very troublesome if its hard to remove (afaik cant rma a chip with its 'markings' gone ala being lapped etc?)

I've used ceramic before cant remember who made it but I think it may have been Arctic Silver manufacturer.

It was slightly more difficult to use than normal stuff but I seem to remember having no issues removing it.

just looked and yes it was this http://www.arcticsilver.com/ceramique.htm still got it somewhere.
"Diamonds are a girl’s best friend"

Diamond 24 please.

Methinks I'm too late.....

I am.
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diamonds are a girls best friend
but i prefer ceramic !!
count me in on IC Perihelion if im not to late.
would finally get around to lapping cpu and useing this with water cooling !!
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