Diesel Tuning - Ignition Advance.....

The original post I made was in reply Invader regarding making more power out of a given engine by adding more fuel.
It is correct for diesels, it is incorrect for petrol engines.

You can't really make a black and white statement like that without more details. A petrol engine running lean, or even at stoich will almosr certainly make more power by adding fuel. Likewise, if a diesel is already injecting enough fuel to producing lots of black smoke, then adding even more fuel just means you get even more black smoke.
OK I'll re word it..

A standard diesel engine, running at manufactures set fuelling levels under full power..
Add more fuel and it will make more power.

A standard petrol engine, running at manufactures set fuelling levels under full power...
take away some fuel and it will make more power.

It is that simple (mostly :D )
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