Dirty Bomb (from the ppl behind ET)

Looks like counter strike, I'm glad someone has tried to make an FPS without you having to use horrible ******* ironsights but still looks pants.
From the vids weapons look a bit vague and general combat mechanics clunky - same problem with brink :| a lot of what made ET so good was that it was fairly seamless to play with a good feel to the weapons. While the textures looked a bit low quality and the airstrikes, etc. somewhat lol worthy I'm guessing they are just placeholders for testing and not representing of the final product, the maps themselves looked like they could be fun to play they just need to work on tempering some of the stylised stuff with a but more substance.

The hitboxes are full retard in ET though. I know it's part of the game's charm, but it was a bit daft that you had to completely adapt the way you aimed - shooting slightly behind enemies instead of slightly ahead of them etc. Never mind the fact that locking to certain framerates could give you a slightly better hit ratio.

RtCW was the far superior shooter in terms of speed and polish of the finished product (after all, ET was very nearly abandonware until Splash picked it up and released it for free). It's nigh on impossible to pub it though unless you want to play with bots. ECGN seems to be one of the only active servers I can find and that's just mp_beach 24/7.

ET is still an awesome game though and one I am continuing to enjoy along with RtCW. Hopefully Dirty Bomb will give me back the sense of childlike wonder ET gave me.
anyone who says this will be good or looks good i would just go and buy console its terrible . probably one of worst fps games i ever seen in history


For an unfinished game it's actually really quite good - obviously not allowed to talk specifics.

Have you played it or are you just being opinionated?
Chris [BEANS];23714104 said:
Anyone playing the Alpha of this??

I want someone to tell me it's basically ET again and I'll happily part with my cash!!

It's still early doors yet. I absolutely adored ET - must have racked up thousands of hours pubbing and playing competitively over the years. Easily the best FPS MP I've ever played and certainly the only one I've ever devoted any serious time to.

Dirty Bomb is looking very promising and could quite likely be the only other game I devote any serious time to. Infer from that what you will. ;)

I dropped $120 for the instant access alpha pass. Whilst you could say that's a bit daft to pay for a game that will be F2P on release, I think of it as a 'thank you' for all the enjoyment Splash Damage gave me in ET for free, rather than a payment for a game that could ultimately suck when released.
The hitboxes are full retard in ET though. I know it's part of the game's charm, but it was a bit daft that you had to completely adapt the way you aimed - shooting slightly behind enemies instead of slightly ahead of them etc. Never mind the fact that locking to certain framerates could give you a slightly better hit ratio.

The hitboxes were a bit of an issue in ET but I prefer when you can consistantly aim at a certain spot, even if its not a logical spot, and almost always get a hit rather than what seems to be the norm lately and fudged attempts to make it so you can _mostly_ aim at the character model but without the consistancy. i.e. QuakeLive when you could aim slightly behind the player model and always hit I was 3rd place in weapon accuracy stats, when they fudged it my accuracy stats fell way off as it impacts my play style too much when that consistancy isn't there.

I have a hard time explaining what it is that makes/breaks these games like brink, etc. but basically it those features that make great "sound bites" but in actuality make the gameplay clunky, in ETQW they were almost entirely stripped out but with more recent SD games they've been rammed in even when they obviously don't fit - I get the feeling someone, probably someone higher up the company, is so convinced of how great their ideas are on paper they ignore any suggestion they don't work so well ingame.
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I have a hard time explaining what it is that makes/breaks these games like brink, etc. but basically it those features that make great "sound bites" but in actuality make the gameplay clunky, in ETQW they were almost entirely stripped out but with more recent SD games they've been rammed in even when they obviously don't fit - I get the feeling someone, probably someone higher up the company, is so convinced of how great their ideas are on paper they ignore any suggestion they don't work so well ingame.

I get what you mean and completely agree. Nothing turns me off a multiplayer FPS like a list of 'features.' That, to me at least, was the beauty of Wolf/ET - simple concept, excellent execution. I much prefer getting to grips with a game's nuances such as trickjumping, scripting and tweaking than having to work out how a bunch of gimmicky features work (or, as is often the case, kludged together).

Then again, my belief is that ET + etpro 3.2.6 should be a blueprint for all MP FPS games - so my opinion is probably not that popular!! :p
Any news? The site hasn't changed in ages.

I'm up for the $30 bundle, maybe, just maybe the $60 if it comes highly recommended, but are there any updates on when 'priority access' actually means??
Rtcw/et were amazeing games but not going to pay for a beta after the mess that was brink.

One of the key features for me was the movement and how responsive the game actually felt, u could get shot in the back and if u were good enough 180 spin, strafe and get the drop on them. This seems to have gone in modern games replaced by who ever shoots 1st in back wins, I blame cod lol

The balance/DMG were perfect in rtcw, they messed a little with ET (rifle nades, cv ops)but it was still a good fun game. I'm worried that again they will try to shoehorn in a couple of good ideas implemented badly and forget the basics of rtcw.
Rtcw/et were amazeing games but not going to pay for a beta after the mess that was brink.

One of the key features for me was the movement and how responsive the game actually felt, u could get shot in the back and if u were good enough 180 spin, strafe and get the drop on them. This seems to have gone in modern games replaced by who ever shoots 1st in back wins, I blame cod lol

The balance/DMG were perfect in rtcw, they messed a little with ET (rifle nades, cv ops)but it was still a good fun game. I'm worried that again they will try to shoehorn in a couple of good ideas implemented badly and forget the basics of rtcw.

too true m8 :D

loved rtcw and et and brink sucked :o:o:o

no moneys from me

would have love a remake of rtcw/et on sya frostbite engine :D now thats a game :cool:
Maybe a bit cheeky but does anyone have a spare beta key? I've been wanting to get into this for ages now and been interested since the first announcement.
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