Stick me down for Number 25 please
Tis done sah ... good to "see you" how is that r3 build of yours coming on think you were going to add wc gpu at some point
Stick me down for Number 25 please
Hmmm, saw this too late
42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything
7 is my birthday
So I will fall back on the old age one
Can I have 40 please?
You certainly can Mr Edge sah, you might want to trust message Mr BaBa as you won a prize in the comp
i'll go for number 9 as i feel its underrated as a number
and thanks for doing this comp and the previous one i have a pix in mind just need to wait till they put the tree up
I'll take number 20 please
Hi mate, I did reply, and agreed as I said that he could pass the prize onto someone else, Im happy to choose some one if he likes..
I was quite chuffed, but haven't really got anywhere to put it and I don't want to run mixed gpu architectures in the same machine
Would i do that
I'll take number 2 please, the age of my little princess
Duly entered and the best of luck sah, what on earth is she playing she has the look of someone who is about to whoop me on Battlefield 3
I'm training her up on MW3, but at the time of photo it was Toy Story 3
Duly entered and the best of luck sah, you sound sick as a pig sah you've not been hit with the spontaneous gpu combustion by any chance?
Hiya TBag, I know you're a busy chap but please don't forget me and Beserker!! (see post 31). Cheers matey.
6 is supposedly my lucky number so I'll go for that