Divinity Original Sin

So is this going back up to full price when the game gets fully released tonight? If so then it's probably best to buy it now right?
Interested in this game :)

Looks good but waiting for reviews etc before spending any money on it, should hopefully be some reviews soon as it's meant to be out today.

I watched a few early access videos of it and it looks fun, seems like a good co-op game but even the most recent early access video's showed some bugs like infinite spawning of enemy minions :eek:
Buying this after the first week or two if (metacritic score + user score)/2 > 7.9. I have a feeling it will have all sorts of bugs/issues on lauch, in which case I will give it a few months before considering buying it.
Buying this after the first week or two if (metacritic score + user score)/2 > 7.9. I have a feeling it will have all sorts of bugs/issues on lauch, in which case I will give it a few months before considering buying it.

It's been in Early Access for many months, as far as I know, it's quite a solid build and will be a smooth release.




Oh and be careful when picking up barrels and putting them back down, I put one on top of someone and crushed em, the entire town was angry at me :D
Damn shouldn't have started witcher 2 a couple weeks ago. Ah well I'll get to this eventually. Had a quick blast when I first got my Kickstarter key but that's been it
The developers apparently took a lot out of the extra AI and will be added in later, and you can see this when you are near other characters in the game as they constantly repeat the same thing over and over again. Gets a bit grating after awhile :(:(



I picked this up randomly without really knowing much about it apart from what a friend told me and what i read about it.

Really glad i did, only played a little so far but seems great for what i have played
Not many full reviews in yet, but currently an 8.5 user score on metacritic and lots of positive feedback across the net for this game so far.

Impressive considering apparently Larian only had $900k on Kickstarter to make it.

Can't wait to play!
I think I might end up getting this game :)

Cheapest price atm seems to be £19
Just watching some videos of the editor, looks like it has potential for a lot of community content.
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