
Question for people, if you get married the divorced. Why on earth do you want to get married again? Especially if the divorce was messy!

Older generation, mainly the Baby Boomers and Gen X. On their 2nd or 3rd marriage after divorce. Didnt they learn from the first or second time!?!?!:confused:
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Question for people, if you get married the divorced. Why on earth do you want to get married again? Especially if the divorce was messy!

Older generation, mainly the Baby Boomers and Gen X. On their 2nd or 3rd marriage after divorce. Didnt they learn from the first or second time!?!?!:confused:
I probably won't remarry myself but kinda basically married lol
Question for people, if you get married the divorced. Why on earth do you want to get married again? Especially if the divorce was messy!

Older generation, mainly the Baby Boomers and Gen X. On their 2nd or 3rd marriage after divorce. Didnt they learn from the first or second time!?!?!:confused:

My Parents got married, got divorced, then got married again & divorced again, they are still friends, messy lol.
So I saw a solicitor today, good news is the divorce will be straight forward. I did say that I wanted a clean break, so finances come into it more. it does not matter whether we agree between ourselves on a settlement, the court will decide if it’s fair. Financially I’m in the better position , but once everything is finalised I’m likely to lose all of my savings and a fair wedge of my small pensions.
Feeling very defeated at the moment especially when I wasn’t the person in the wrong.

It's hard to listen to as someone who has always knew they wouldn't want to get married. A close friend got royally screwed over when his wife left him and she also took him to the cleaners. He more or less had to start from scratch. Hope you have a better time.

Good luck chap.
Circumstances and feelings change. I've never wanted kids so never thought I'd get married and was happy to go through life without it but then at 38 met someone it felt right with. Got divorced 4 years later. :D
Financially there was a large imbalance between my wife and I both in savings and earning capacity but I thought that didn't matter, ultimately it did though. We bought a house "together" (my deposit and me paying the mortgage). She hardly worked and looked after me and the house which worked well for a period of time, then she got a full time job. I lost my cook and cleaner and gained nothing. I was still paying all the bills. When we divorced I managed to keep the house, she agreed to sign it over to me in return for a lumpsum payment from my Superannuation Account (compulsory private pension account you cant touch until retirement, 9.5% of your pre tax salary). Begrudgingly agreed, paid her off, got divorced and not heard a peep since. The hole in my superannuation has been filled as I continue to earn.
I guess what I'm saying is that yes it hurts financially at the time giving up so much but you get something for that money. It bought me her out of my life, never to bother me again. Ultimately it bought me happiness and a feeling of release. Freedom! Money comes and goes. What seems like a lot now won't feel so much in a few years.

I said I'd never marry again but met an amazing girl when separated. Been together ever since. Bought and renovated a house together and have far more in common and do more stuff together than my wife and I ever did. I also feel like we are equal, she actually earns more than I do, but everything is 50/50 joint bank accounts etc. Divorce law when no kids are involved in Australia is relatively straight forward. You take what you each had before the marriage, then subtract that from the total of what the combined is now. Take half each. Establishing that during the divorce was tough so when my current Mrs moved in I suggested we put together an assets spreadsheet together. This is far easier when you are friends. That way if it all goes south you have a starting point that is fair and was agreed upon. I have passed this advice on to everyone I know who are married or co-habiting.
Our lives are so intertwined that we say we may as well be married, I often say I am as feel too old to call her my girlfriend, so we decided we would, probably next year, small ceremony somewhere exotic.

Don't give up OP or anyone else. Ask yourself how many other decisions in your life did you get right first time? Not many I'd bet!
Why in this day and age anyone would get married I do not know. Relationships, sex, and the dating market place have changed so much in just the past 15 years.

I’ve been with my partner 10 years, she’s my age, and having slept with and formed relationships with girls 10+ years younger than me, I’d never wife one up. It’s an utter minefield out there.

Let me tell y'all something...
You don't wanna be out here
You think you wanna be out here cause you not out here
When you get out here... You ain't gonna want to be out here no more
Last time you was out here... Out here was different...
You think it's something better...I come to let you know... The best you gonna get is what you already got
Ion know why you don't wanna do the work... You gonna come out here and ain't gonna like it
All they do is start podcast and talk about plate fixing
14 minutes being out here you gonna start saying "these females"
If you can make it work do so...
You don't wanna be out here learning tiktok dances and falling off milk crates
Bud they want rounds now... You better pray about coming out here
You think it's a game till you in the middle of 60k people in a panny and she pointing her finger at you all hard rapping Flo milli lyrics
Do you like tumeric???? Charcoal ice cream???
You better learn to like it
You don't know nothing bout sneaky link... Now you knocking on the door of a 22 year old with 3 other roommates... Cause she got a side piece
You gonna be wearing a "hottie" shirt by Thanksgiving... You better ask your wife to forgive you
You better go listen to lemonade and pray about it
You don't have the cholesterol to be out here
They not eating butter pecan no more.... Blue bell ain't out here
You gonna be chasing Cialis with red bull
Do you know what "group chat" is???? You better learn... Cause you finna be the subject
Do you know how to make a mimosa????
These people are 60% crab leg/ 30% iced coffee/ and 10% vape pen
Beloved.... Whatever went wrong... Go back and make it right
They pegging out here...
I'm not trying to scare you... I'm trying to prepare you... These people are children of Rihanna born in the fires of chaos...
You ready to leave your wife of thirty years till you wake up and your body is surrounded by rose quartz and moon water...
My message is simple.
Yeah, I was planning to get married this year until she decided to leave last summer. Me personally, I dont see the point of getting married unless you have kids together. Which is for the benefit of the kids to have that special family bond. Not because she just wants a wedding. Women want a wedding but they dont want to be wives as I once heard.

I don't understand people who get married again, some more than twice. We all make mistakes but you should also learn from your expensive mistakes and not to repeat them. Otherwise you only have yourself to blame when it all goes wrong.........again!
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Question for people, if you get married the divorced. Why on earth do you want to get married again? Especially if the divorce was messy!

Older generation, mainly the Baby Boomers and Gen X. On their 2nd or 3rd marriage after divorce. Didnt they learn from the first or second time!?!?!:confused:
Don't a lot of people run into problems later in life when not married. A partner dies and they lose the house, get kicked out, lose the partners pension e.c.t all because they are not married. A lot of people have ran into major problems due to living together and not being married. Usually when the partner unexpectedly dies and living person find out the have no right to anything. Sometimes even ending up homeless in the worst case.
it does not matter whether we agree between ourselves on a settlement, the court will decide if it’s fair.
That certainly wasn't the case when I got divorced 4 years ago.
We managed to agree a financial settlement between us both, I got a solicitor to draw up a settlement agreement using the figures we had settled on, this cost me about £900.
She got a solicitor that I sent the agreement to and then she signed the agreement. Mine or her solicitor didn't offer us any financial advice, they were just used to draw up the settlement agreement.

I then applied and paid for a divorce online, this was heard in a random court somewhere, our settlement agreement didn't even come in to it.
The whole process was pretty straightforward. When we decided we no longer wished to be together we agreed to keep things amicable and on speaking terms, to avoid the need for getting solicitors involved.
The kids spent a week at mine then a week at hers so 50:50 contact, therefore I had no need to pay maintenance.
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