DnB thread!

I'm looking for more DnB with a similar style to the video below

By the way the first minute of the song is Ed Rush & Optical - Bacteria (Pendulum Remix)... the actual song doesnt kick in till around 2 mins.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Skipady bigadybigadybigadybigadybigadybigadybigadybigady bigbadboop pa bigbadboop aaaaaaah

Can't beat a load of great DnB, Interesting about the new high contrast album, love him.

Oooooooo awesome. Sub focus kicking in at 4.58 :D:D:D:D
Iv really been digging Seba's recent stuff. More "down-low" and rolling sort of DnB with some really nice ambient & up-lifting vocals. Wonderful stuff to mix and especially to double drop with a liquid tune :)
It's going to be called High Contrast - Confidential and it will drop on April 27 according to the Hospital Records website.


Yeah that's the link I saw the other week, haven't been on the hospital site for a while though so haven't seen the release date. Should be good when it drops.

To be honest, I was probably jumping the gun by searching for it on Saturday morning on google :p I'll dl it when I get in from work, cheers :)

Also agreed about the hospital podcasts, got the last 4 or 5 and they are really good.
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