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Do AMD provide any benefit to the retail GPU segment.

Looks like AMD is joining in with Nvidia pushing up tiers:



Ironically it looks like games consoles are pushing more of the innovation now,ie,using SSDs properly.

Ironically it looks like games consoles are pushing more of the innovation now,ie,using SSDs properly.

That and more, yes.
Because if Nvidia end up allowing AIB partners to make 16GB versions of the RTX4060/RTX4060TI,that will be the end of AMD mainstream dGPU sales.

Are they? I'm glad of that, at the very least they should allow AIB's to double VRam if they so chose, my only concern is pricing, i'm ok with them charging a bit more for higher capacity VRam GPU's, but i don't want to see pricing go daft, there is no reason why they should cost a lot more.

To answer your point, yes.
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The issue is if AMD pulls a dumb move like this,there is nothing stopping them from doing it a few months later. They did it with the GTX960 2GB,which had a 4GB version launched months later.

Someone at AMD has to have their head checked if they think they can sell a 6NM RX7600XT 16GB(with bog standard GDDR6) and try and think it can be positioned against an RTX4060TI.

The rumours indicate it will be around RTX3070TI 8GB level performance. Even if you clock the RX6650XT core to 3GHZ,and add RDNA3 IPC improvements into the mix,it might just about get to an RX6700XT or maybe an RX6750XT at 1080p. It will be slightly behind in rasterised performance and much slower in RT.At qHD and 4K,the lack of memory bandwidth and the 64MB less of Infinity Cache is going to cause problems.

An RTX4060TI 16GB would be faster in all metrics than an oveclocked RDNA3 RX6650XT 16GB.

Yeah, AMD have a lot of Kudos points from Ryzen, there is a reason for that, being #### wasn't it, they have to make us like them and their products, if they get that right they will be rewarded.
AMD only got where it was with Ryzen,was by offering more for less. They seemed to dial down on that in recent releases,ie,having useless stock CPU coolers,splitting B650 into B650/B650E,etc but still do offer better value in a number of segments. But even that only came after they managed to actually beat Intel,not only in performance but also efficiency.

Their dGPUs don't have the performance advantage,or even are more efficient. They need to price better than Nvidia to get sales for similar performance,or just outperform them more. This is what they had to do with Intel over three generations of Zen.

Again, yes agree with all of that, i get that on the Ryzen side AMD want to reap some of those rewards, i'm perfectly fine with that, but they have to find a balance in maintaining that appreciation for what they did by continuing somewhat in the same vain and bolstering their coffers, if they can find that balance its all good.
I can understand Nvidia trying a fast one because they throw money at marketing and have the bigger market share. Not sure what AMD is attempting to do here? Sell more Nvidia cards?

I don't know, i do know a bunch of Intel's sacked lot ended up at AMD, hundreds if not thousands of them. Intel's marketing has been the worst for as long as i have been around.
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Its made on 6NM,so it would be as greedy an upsell as what Nvidia is doing this generation. So I hope they don't try this trick.

The moment Nvidia relents and allow higher VRAM models,that is end of the AMD dGPU division. They can't just add some more VRAM to a low end tier dGPU.

If Navi 33 actually had a 192 bit bus and stacked cache,I might look at it differently. The problem is the die is barely 200MM2 on a 6NM process node,so it looks like a straight shrink of Navi 23 unless all the published specs have been incorrect.
Whatever node its made on is not relevant to me, if its a good GPU its a good GPU, Zen 3 (Ryzen 5000) was made on exactly the same node as Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000) didn't matter at all it was a much better CPU, it was so good i bought one, paid over £400 for it, very unusual for me, but it was worth it, i still think that more than 2 years later and am looking forward to a couple more with it.

So if they want to save costs by making it on an older node, fine, do that, i'm good with it if its a good GPU for a reasonable price, that's all that matters.
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Tech journalists giving AMD the "Budget Brand" label are not helping, no matter how well intentioned, or not.

They are still at it today, in part 3 of HUB Q&A they listed everything why Nvidia are better, and then suggested AMD's GPU's therefore should be cheaper, and then again could not help themselves poking fun at the 6500XT should be $50.

Not helpful, the "Budget" branding is fatal to any hardware vendor, who buys BioStar Motherboards? No wonder AMD are raging against it.

For these people their goal is to try and pressure AMD, being the easier target, to drive prices down and down and... thinking that in turn will drive Nvidia's prices down and we can all buy cheaper Nvidia GPU's, or AMD, if you're an AMD fanboy or cheap, because why else would you.
This is delusion.
Remember ATI? the good'ol days of half the price equivilent GPU's, still bought Nvidia though, ATI went bust.

AMD know this, and they feel burned by it, they are not playing that game they bailed ATI out.... so the more angry and determined these people get in trying. Not once do they consider that it also works the other way round, that saying DLSS is nice but not a reason to push the prices right up might be a better strategy, no, now that AMD are so stubborn in not doing what we want its personal with them.

IMO AMD's mind set is if we drop prices we just lose money, we don't gain anything for it, are they wrong? AMD also need an attitude adjustment but it takes them and these ^^^^ people working together.
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12.5% ^^^ read above you, i think it will be clock very much higher, we know RDNA3 can clock to over 3Ghz, i'm calling it 2.8Ghz.

That's 39% higher than the 6800XT. it will also have faster memory IC's.
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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome, pressuring solely AMD isn't working.

Nvidia push prices up, AMD slot themselves just behind them, over and over again, and they will again.

I'm not being daft with people here, i'm trying to get people to think about this differently. :)

So, question, why should AMD care about thier market share when they have a higher market share than Nvidia?
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