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Do AMD provide any benefit to the retail GPU segment.

Do things like better RT and slightly better upscaling tech have an added monetary value? If so how much?

When thinking about that we are not calculating how much more they should be worth over AMD, because AMD don't care, they will just take that number you have decided on and take 10% off.
So you're calculating how much more do you think those features are worth vs not having them, the higher that amount the more you will pay for everything, including AMD.

If you don't think DLSS 3 is worth a 74% premium for this generation GPU over the previous generation GPU then you need to be screaming at those tech journalists who claim to be your voice and then do an atrocious job of it, you need to be letting them know you're not happy about them using 'value metric bar graph marketing to tell you its all good and then take it out on the competitor for only being 5% "better value"
Again AMD don't care, what's more Nvidia love that ####. Plays right in to their hands, and out of your pockets,

That 74%, has quite a different ring to it doesn't it when you aren't just looking at value bar chart distraction tactics.
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If Nvidia don't care what AMD do why are they gonna care what some tech journalists say?

And it still doesn't answer the question of what we do instead though if we can't buy graphics cards?

We need a change in tactics. Its all i have, if it as you say doesn't work then i guess we lose, i hope someone has a better idea.
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Ironically high GPU prices means AMD wins by default. How?

- They own console
- APUs are mostly their game
- They actually decide what the minimum requirements are as developers cannot afford to ignore Valve (Steam Deck)

GPU's getting too expensive?

Whatever happens if you want to keep playing the latest games you will buy our GPU's anyway, we have the market cornered, now what?

AMD have already won, Its Nvidia's job to keep you PCMR, that is the only way they can sell you their products.

If you're getting priced out of PCMR then what do you do? You buy an AMD game console.

This might shock you.

AMD just published their Q1 2023 financial results.
Gaming revenue was $1.8 Billion. that's down 6% on last year

Nvidia have yet to publish theirs, but Q4 2022 Nvidia's Gaming revenue was $1.83 Billion, that's expected to be down this quarter, by a larger percentage than AMD's who despite a seizable drop in dGPU revenue their custom APU business is still growing at a substantial rate, and is set to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

So whose really winning here? Its not Nvidia.
Our pockets aren't winning also, so I don't care that AMD or nVIDIA wins. Why should I? I think is quite the contrary, we're losing.
Its an impossible conundrum.

No one buys AMD dGPU's because Nvidia better, Nvidia know this so they make you pay for it.

Tech journalists say they don't like this situation, while at the same time adding to that ^^^^ problem, exactly as they have been doing for the last two decades, when it comes to AMD vs Nvidia they are Einstein's definition of insane.

When they thought Intel might save the day. they had a brief moment of clarity, they pushed Intel's GPU's very hard, for a brief couple of weeks, even glossing over some of the very real problems with them.

They failed, but only because people didn't want to pay RTX 3060Ti money for GPU's that struggled to keep up with RX 6600XT's, and it was unproven hardware with obvious and serious problems.

AMD are an established and trusted vendor, i'm not talking about PCMR, AMD are in everything, Samsung phones, cars, all the consoles, the Mars Rover, Airbus planes, medical equipment, military equipment. the worlds most powerful super computer is an all AMD system, not just AMD CPU's, it stuffed with Radeon Instinct GPU's, not Quadro's.

All these people trust AMD. PCMR is an outlier, i would argue tech jurnalisum spent the last 15 years making it that, and they are still at it, they are failing us.
RT is okay. FG is fine but I mostly don't use it even on supported games.

But DLSS. Oh boy. I'm never buying an AMD card, even if it's 1/10th the cost of nvidia, until they bring FSR up to the DLSS standard. It's just a gamechanger. It makes slower / cheaper nvidia cards have better image quality than much more expensive amd cards. It's just an insane feature.

We know Bencher, you've made that very clear. :)

I take it you have a 4090? how much are you willing to pay for DLSS at the ##90 class? £2000, £3000, £4000, £8000?
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And it wasn't that hard either, they just offered more performance for less money. Who would have thought, right?

Me, the premiere intel fanboy (or so they say) bought 3 zen cpus in 3 generations. I stopped at zen 3 of course, cause they started their shaenanigans, but until that point, they had me.

Read that ^^^ post 3,202
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That's literally quoting out of context. You basically cut the sentence in half. That's why people call you an amd defender. Cause you can't argue against what people are actually saying, you have to strawman them. Whatever it's a waste of time

Its a chicken and an egg thing, weather it was 10 years or 20 years ago it is their experience, as a result of that now they don't have to care, for gaming they are getting to a level where they are sitting prettier than Nvidia, because they cut PCMR out of the equation.

Its not up to AMD to make us want their cards, they already know we don't, if we want things to be competitive then its up to us to prove we don't want that just to buy cheaper Nvidia GPU's, stuff that i'll just slot in 10% below Nvidia's insane prices and if it all gets too much for you.... then you will buy our GPU's without even realising it most of the time.

Get it?

We have to prove there is real money for AMD in PCMR, then they might invest the Billions in making better features.
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Just like with Ryzen, AMD needs generation after generation of good, reasonably priced products. RDNA2 was decent, but lacked FSR to have the leverage covered against DLSS and perhaps a bit better priced (of course, it didn't matter since mining).

RDNA3 wasn't good - 7900xtx looked decent only because 4080 was badly priced and 7900xt was... also badly priced.

Going back @CAT-THE-FIFTH wrote plenty about their not so great track history of doing nvidia type of behavior which can't bring you sympathy points. You can't win internet, brand/marketing points by such actions, you can't truly expect to win against nvidia acting like this.

Why else risk it, the money for AMD lays in consoles and SoC's, not dGPU's, if anything those things are costing them money.

Why would they risk investing in trying to make us buy their cards instead of Nvidia when the money for them is in consoles and Nvidia are doing a damned good job of pushing people that way.
If you're enamy is making a mistake you don't interfere with that.
I mean because they haven't released anything the past 5-6 months.

It will look bad if they just released 1 new GPU.

They can instead just re-release the 7900 xt and 7900xtx as the 7950 series along with the other GPUs .

I give Nvidia actually releasing new products albeit reluctantly as they want to leverage higher prices, AMD fing up and not even releasing anything in the stack is just fuced

It does seem insane to me that half way through this product cycle they still only have the top two cards.

If they don't get a move on Nvidia will be refreshing their cards just as AMD decide they now have something to sell the rest of us.
i don't want to see a situation where in a few weeks we get the 7600XT, then they go silent for a couple of months again before releasing the 7700XT, then Nvidia announce the RTX 5000 and AMD are crying "but we haven't finished releasing our line up yet"
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Or they could decide to ignore the power limits and bring a massively overpowered GPU with its own PSU like the good old days:


What a thing that is..... i miss those days, mad scientists creating alsorts of mad stuff because why not? licking windows is fun.... boop beep, bub blub blub weeeoooo wayhay!!!!!!
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Seems first European price leaked:

That would mean £300 with 20% VAT here. £50 too expensive at least.

I agree but at the same time that's the first GPU of this generation that's cheaper than the card its replacing, the RX 6600 at $329 MSRP.

Now it depends on what the 4060 will be priced at and i doubt its less than $400.
You can get an RX6700XT for £325.
New vs EOL pricing.

I'm not in disagreement with you :) but if we expect replacement generation GPU's to be cheaper than EOL pricing it wouldn't take many years for those GPU's to be $1, its accumulative, think about it. Or what would really happen is they will simply stop discounting EOL GPU's, like Nvidia have. Lets not go there and just be sensible :)

Okay..... thanks for listening, we will hold you to it.

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