Yeh I saw that one first, went looking for without the Dot as I've already got an older one I barely use - don't need another! Think I'll pull the trigger on that deal, been sitting at work already planning where to put the bulbs 

Most electronics are made in Asia etc. Get over it.Amazon is full of chinese/eastern crap as expected.
Kind of stating the somewhat obvious there. I am mainly talking about the cheapo companies that sell a ton of dressed up electronics junk to places like Amazon, which always end up on the front pages of these sales.Most electronics are made in Asia etc. Get over it.
Incase anyones missed it, ECP has a black Friday sale on. I am on the prowl for a one x for under £400 with games. I've read a rumour they might drop to £350 for black Friday.
I really fancy a pair of noise cancelling headphones. Very have the Bose qc35 on offer but I really fancy the Sony wh-1000xm3, might wait it out.
You mean exactly like they do?
I admit it used to be a lot easier few years ago when you just scrolled along left to right as there was less junk in there but you can still filter stuff down.
On the left is a big list of filters
One for price
one for categories
One for "Active"/"Upcoming"
Then theres a big button on each item that's upcoming saying "Watch this Deal"