Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Ohh... I've just realised... I'm in 45th place! Well not for long I doubt ;), but I'm quite impressed considering when I started! Now if only i had 4 pairs of hands.... I think I'm averaging 20k a day the past week or so which is pretty nice.. What I need is to get back to uni and start writing long dissertations again! Or maybe start playing computer games again...
Freefaller said:
Ohh... I've just realised... I'm in 45th place! Well not for long I doubt ;), but I'm quite impressed considering when I started! Now if only i had 4 pairs of hands.... I think I'm averaging 20k a day the past week or so which is pretty nice.. What I need is to get back to uni and start writing long dissertations again! Or maybe start playing computer games again...
Gaming a lot in one day tends to give me about 50k while writing an essay all day gives me about 35k-40k.....I suggest the gaming route, it's more fun and more productive :p
Games...Games...hmm...what're they :(

By the way, for Christmas time, no more of the :long smiley smiley format: because we have Christmas smileys now :eek: :D

Unless we can convince Spie to make some of the :written smiley: patters into other Christmas smileys just for this thread, of course :D

This thread is also slowing down - I'll admit I haven't been around so much, but come on you slackers! Christmas boost! :D
TinkerBell said:
Wayyyyy finally Garp has got past me, have been waiting for ageeesss:p:D

The experience was one of such great enjoyment that I just couldn't resist the opportunity of getting stomped by your radiant self once again..

I did find these nice boots you could use next time if you fancy ;)


129 Guv 918,874 868,122 208,162
130 djbenjo 912,393 411,119 2,132,360
131 GreenieUK 864,643 150,905 188,855
132 juana 864,288 247,538 190,338
133 Raithmir 802,663 853,946 2,356,038
134 m1t35h 781,061 70,842 91,069
135 Corran 778,073 1,427,193 453,010
136 |Show| 753,974 197,137 222,686
137 Crispy Pigeon Zwei 711,225 438,144 241,559
138 noginn 685,811 192,518 212,615
139 MinOfSer 683,306 1,901 214
140 Haly2 671,283 362,583 1,076,425
141 Davey_Pitch 663,248 176,366 471,211
142 Whitestar 663,125 220,829 243,868
143 cr4ig 651,834 200,998 813,572
144 Creature 627,046 185,043 840,391

Bye Bye

129 Creature 927,046 259,518 1,087,065
Nearly in the top 100 :D
With that i feel i should put Mr Garp in his place:p


21 Garp 5,180,523
22 TinkerBell 5,110,024

21 TinkerBell 5,377,947
22 Garp 5,180,523

Stomp Stomp Stomp:D
i just took us into 500mil
Total Keys Pressed: 500,022,811
Total Mouse Clicks: 157,803,709
Total Wheel Scrolls: 200,195,544

Stats Submissions: 35,147
Last Submission: Dec 14, 2005 at 12:53:43 by mrbios

not sure where Crispy Pigeon has gone but stompy stomp stomp to him anyway
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