Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Hmm, ya'll have a few hours to make as much of my absence as possible.. i'm going out to have some fun tomorrow. was tonight but got let down :slightly annoyed frowny:
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Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
33rd now :)

Ah yes, we all know how frustrating Gilly is with his endless typing but look on the bright side, have you seen how fast we're shooting up the ranks ;)

I'm in a respectable 19th actually, pfft not bad, happy enough :)

Come on we gotta beat Gilly...
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Small indeed. I've been typing up today, I've taken on a small proofreading job, and a lot of typing has been necessary. Got another 50k or so here, and I'm not done yet ;)
Originally posted by Gilly
Small indeed. I've been typing up today, I've taken on a small proofreading job, and a lot of typing has been necessary. Got another 50k or so here, and I'm not done yet ;)

Gonna be joining the top 3 soon :happy-but-you'll-never-get-me smiley:

Edit: We need to go pimping again, now that there's a lot more of us from around the forums, we should have gretater impact.

Let's aim for 100 users, and to be on the first page by Christmas (shouldn't be hard :big grin: )
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Originally posted by Gilly
Small indeed. I've been typing up today, I've taken on a small proofreading job, and a lot of typing has been necessary. Got another 50k or so here, and I'm not done yet ;)

Proofreading job? Along side your normal work?
Is it me, my internet connection or them?

I'm regularly finding I can't connect to their site, nor upload my keypresses and mouseclicks :insert ridiculous looking confused smiley here:
Originally posted by Garp
Proofreading job? Along side your normal work?
Aye, but I'm in the middle of 2 weeks off, then back to work for a week, then another week off :)

Oh, and its them, not you. Their site is crap.
Originally posted by lazerblade
how much power would it take to hurl a 200kg block of concrete, say, 1000mph?

If i knew the equations for that i would tell you, but at a guess 10 tons of thrust?

Concorde - passing 50K and still no server :(
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