Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by TheBeansprout
omgmykeyboardsonfire - who is this, and are they a cheater? 1.1m in one night seems a *tad* unrealistic, do we not think :eek:

Ooh perhaps your just worried about your top spot, that had seemed unasailable : panick smiley:

Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
What the...why do you type so much..what are you doing. :eek:

:nosey smiley:

Provided it's legal its all for the good of the team. Puts us quite nicely on Page 3 :snutty smiley: in cell 57.

And by the way, what;s all the use of boring smileys like :eek: for? Except for omgmykeyboardsonfire who clearly doesn't need any extra help, you need all the klicks [TM TheBeansprout] you can get :know it all smiley:
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These are strokes i got on a previous computer. when i upgraded that from 1.15ghz athlon to XP1600&DFI mobo, i saved the TKC file from program files. last night i tried to copy the file to program files on this setup, then opened it, and it had my strokes still. I do a fair bit of gaming, and a lot of chat typing. this much will become aparent when you all see my daily output.

EDIT: i reckon i typed like 9-12k Kliks to our very own R99M in the early hours of this morning.. lol in about.. 2 hours, no more..

If people are convinced i'm cheating, i would be more than happy to discuss this further at the Xmas bash.. but better make it before we start drinking eh?
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Originally posted by lazerblade
its me you f00l :tongue sticky-outy-grolschy smiley: i had like, quite a few days of kliks (hmm..) stored in a backup :)

EDIT: you're just SCARED (rightly) BAAAHAHAHAHAHA

Ahhhhhhh, it's you, you evil person! Gave me a fright there :p

Bring it on! :big huge teasing grin:

My apologies sir, and to apologise I shall klik away when I arrive home later, klik klik klik, so ensure that You Do Not Catch Me! :Muahahahaha evil devil-faced grin:
Originally posted by lazerblade
EDIT: i reckon i typed like 9-12k Kliks to our very own R99M in the early hours of this morning.. lol in about.. 2 hours, no more..
yeah he did - and the really weird thing was that i only typed about 2k in return :man that guy talks a lot smiley:

I think he just plays a lot of old spectrum games on an emulator - maybe Daley Thompson's decathlon

zxzxzxxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx :D
I play brutal sports football, stunt car racer (amiga) on an emulator, but they're pad controlled. :wink smiley: i'm just talkative.. :laughing my posterior NOT ON all over the reverse celing smiley:

:middle finger up, "i'm the dogs doodahs" smiley:


EDIT: I'm on my works pc which doesnt have
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Gah i manage to complete level 3 on easy mode of Operation Spacehog without losing a single life and then go onto normal mode and lose a life on the first level and give up after the second cos i flew into a rock :annoyed and very frustrated smiley:

Still it's another four thousand klicks [Tm The Beansprout] from about ten minutes playing time :eek: :sore fingers smiley:
Originally posted by Pixel
You won't get past me, let alone top spot. :massive grin: :evil smile:

Mega turbo clicky time!

Bring it on :Muahah you'll never catch me smiley ok so I had a long head start but I'm geeky and sit here all day and night and never sleep I just klik and klik and klik muahahah!:
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
but I'm geeky and sit here all day and night and never sleep I just klik and klik and klik muahahah!:

We are cut from the same cloth I see! :D Ask anyone who was in the OcUK IRC channel last night around 4:00am lol! :grin:
Stomped by Gilly. Nooooooooooo. Time to stop slacking. :can't be bothered to type lots of words smiley:

Anyone spot the contradiction? :grin:
Originally posted by Pixel
We are cut from the same cloth I see! :D Ask anyone who was in the OcUK IRC channel last night around 4:00am lol! :grin:

I remember the jolly days when I'd be up until 4am on IRC...past 3am things got fantastic...but sadly I have things to do during the daytime now :sad smiley:
Originally posted by Berserker
Stomped by Gilly. Nooooooooooo. Time to stop slacking. :can't be bothered to type lots of words smiley:

Anyone spot the contradiction? :grin:

Gilly keeps trying that trick on me too, one day I won't have anything left in reserve. :boo hoo smiley: (actually can it be a smiley when your unhappy ???)

Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
omgmykeyboardsonfire : jumped into 3rd with one submission :eek:

Somebody needs to get a life :I don't believe it smiley:
Ok i just lost 4 places without so much as a parp :very mad smiley:

Therefore to uphold my sense of etiquette, the following will soon be stomped :evil grin:

26 GreenieUk
27 bart154ce
28 callousness
29 rogue66700

Right about NOW!!! :even more evil grin:
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