Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by Gilly
That low down flea-bitten Dog stomped me without so much as a parp!

Sorry, I thought you were stashing and was about to dump 3 or 4 hundred thousand.

Slacker. :D

Good news though, last night I discovered my keyboard works through walls, so I can rack up the klicks while watching TV. :)

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Originally posted by TheDogFather
Good news though, last night I discovered my keyboard works through walls, so I can rack up the klicks while watching TV.
One of mine does too, and that's the one that now has flat batteries. Coincidence? I don't think so. :D
Thought things had gone quiet. You were stashing. Bad form old boy.

It'll take me a bit but not too long ;) I've been slacking cos I worked all weekend. I'm off now to compensate :D
My keycount is only high today because I've been with a very sick server for virtually half the day :(

Going away Sunday and I guess when I come back in the new year I'll be stomped.:(
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
My keycount is only high today because I've been with a very sick server for virtually half the day
You're not the only one. While that may be good for kliks, it's no good for my sanity. :eek:
Originally posted by TheBeansprout

Going away Sunday and I guess when I come back in the new year I'll be stomped.:(

Ahh I'm going away for a week over Christmas so that's going to drastically wreck my clicks :(
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
They should make a PDA version so us geeks can just klik discreetly when we're doing things such as "socialising" :eek:
Anyone spot the contradiction there? Geeks, socialising. Never. :p
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