Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

Originally posted by rich99million
only 4 channels and you had to actually get up off the couch and change it manually? - know the feeling (cheap parents) :p

Four, wasn't there just the three, channel four was a new idea.

Aagh changing channel manually, those were the days. I renember our first remote control, wasn't really too remote, it was on the end of a lead, but at least you could work it sat down. It was best to stay sat down anyway, or you might trip over the lead. :p

yeah, but at least the tvs had proper buttons - I mean BIG CLUNKING buttons

when the were pushed in they stayed pushed in, and they popped the previously pushed in button out with a c'thunk.

{waits for the older folk to start talking about dials they had to tune the channels in on}
hehehe them were the days :p

the last manual change TV we owned had 8 buttons - one day i pushed them all in at the same time and my dad had to get someone in to take it apart and release them - ooooops

not sure i ever owned up to that one :D
Originally posted by doofus
{waits for the older folk to start talking about dials they had to tune the channels in on}

not old enough to remember them new, but when i was a kid we had this ancient hitachi 14" black and white tv that had a tuning dial.

gots me a top loading ferguson videostar VCR that i use occasionally, and a couple of old betamax vcrs :D
Originally posted by doofus
yeah, but at least the tvs had proper buttons - I mean BIG CLUNKING buttons

when the were pushed in they stayed pushed in, and they popped the previously pushed in button out with a c'thunk.

I remember my parents having one of those in their room years ago. We had a nice modern TV downstairs (well, modern back then at least) so this archaic thing must've gotten demoted at some point. Anyway, I can remember enjoying playing with the buttons on this TV because there was something strangely satisfying with pushing a button that made a loud *CLUNK* sound and popped the previously pressed one out with another nice *CLUNK*. You don't get that in this day and age, I sort of miss that telly :o. Only things I can recall watching on it are when Linford Christy got the Gold in some Olympic-style event, and one of Russ Abbot's shows. So we're going back a bit.

I'm 21 by the way, so I don't remember these tellies being common or anything, just this particular one. And it was wood round the sides too iirc :eek:
I've still got a 14" B&W TV with clunky switches. Must have had it since the early 80s as it was used with a ZX Spectrum at one point (even had a piece of plastic attached to the front to turn it into a green screen). :D

Not been used in about 10 years though, and it's in the queue to go out the door next time I have a chuckout.
green screens omg

when i was like 13 i knew this guy who had an amiga like me, but he had a green screen monitor, i had a tv. he had a game called wings, which was a good game. i eventually got hold of it, but found out it had colours on my tv. i was not so good at it as a result :confused: :rolleyes: i even bought a joypad to play it with. eventually i got a old green monitor and used to have it hooked up for ages at a time. just for that game. wish i could get that game back, and brutal sports football. stunt car racer and the original kick off too. :D classics
Still have a ZX Spectrum. And an Amiga. And one of the original Ataris. And, come to think of it, one of the best consoles ever: a NES. Loved that one, me and my sister got it one year between us for Christmas and it took so much hammering over the years that the power supply packed in. Never been able to get hold of another one :(. Is an absolute classic console, will never have the heart to throw it out.

Can remember using the old BBC computers in first year at secondary school, they had green monitors iirc. And that was only in 1994 :eek:

Favourite's still got to be Scalextric though, that'd beat any console any time :D
Scalextric :D

omg dude i still play with that when ive been chillin with a few smokes :D i get the scalextric out and its still fun

had a cheap rip off as a kid, got a PILE of proper scalextric a few years ago for pocket change :D

hehe much fun

EDIT also had a couple of spectrums, a game gear, a nes and GB for a while, a master system 2.. got playstation fever eventually. While i was toying with the electronics inside :looking around whisting innocent smiley: i spraypainted the case black, proper cool that was. still got a PsOne.. :D
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Originally posted by Mad Pierre
Just put Seti on my 1.6 Ghz p4. It will be doinf 25% CPDN and 75% seti. when it get some work unit's. been trying for an hour.

Awesome..but i don't think Seti can help with keystrokes? :p
Originally posted by Mad Pierre
Just put Seti on my 1.6 Ghz p4. It will be doinf 25% CPDN and 75% seti. when it get some work unit's. been trying for an hour.

Suggest you try reading the thread from the beginning mate :p

I must urge you to install TKC on your main machine though, it's another way for us to beat the Germans. We have got a little longer to go for this one though, and therefore need all the recruits we can get :big grin: :urges you to load TKC on smileyy:
Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
Whats happened to our team?! We now have only 66 members and somehow 26 unranked..random people have been cut off, ie: Haly :eek:

Doesn't look good does it :(. Something to do with TKC's servers getting confused hopefully :confused:
Originally posted by TheTross
Doesn't look good does it :(. Something to do with TKC's servers getting confused hopefully :confused:

Maybe they suspect cheating or something. Wouldn't be too difficult for an opposing team to all mail the TKC admins and complain about anything :(

If this is the case, hopefully it's only temporary while they confirm they're all legit or something
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