Do you have a window cleaner?

if you do it off of a ladder can clean the base of the window where the unit seals into the frame and the sill thoroughly - which I don't think you can do with a pole ?

I don't need a ladder. The windows have latches that allow them to be slid over from the hinge side. From there I can get the entire window, window sill and reach up and do the soffits etc.
yes I have such latches on the opening panes and upvc's sashes tip inboard, but to reach the corners of unopening sections needs a stool/precarious body position;
bucket of water + cloth was also less convenient than a garden sprayer that might help with water delivery - used a toothbrush at the base.
I do downstairs and all inners, I have my own squeegee. The upstairs outers are done when I collar a window cleaner probably every two months. About £8
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Window cleaner comes around every 6-8 weeks and charges £10, easy job for him though as it's all one level and only 5 windows
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I think we have a window cleaner, someone called Dave puts a business card through every now and again. No idea if he actually cleans them... then we try and hide from him when he knocks for payment, usually on a friday before the pub.
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