Do you have time for people with a low IQ?

I've met plenty of tiresome smart people, particularly people that can't tell when they've bored you to death. Intelligence isn't everything.

There's also different forms of intelligence. One of my friends is a landscaper and the drummer in my band. He has physical intelligence that I'm completely lacking, the sort of person you can show something physical to once and he'll just go off and optimise it like I might with a spreadsheet. If you want to know about concrete, for example, he's your man.
You cant really know if someone has a low IQ unless they tell you. Just because someone has a low IQ, does not mean they are not intelligent oddly. My partner and I both took tests and she scored 99 and I was 132. She isn't thick at all, just not very logical. She has much higher emotional intelligence than I. I tend to help people who are thick or simply unaware of how to do things, while working. In real life, I just avoid people like that.
I remember when they used to do those iw tests on TV? BBC or Channel 4 I think). If you didn't follow the news half the questions would be guesswork so not sure how accurate they were.
Have no time for people who on purposely make themselves stupid. Had a colleague who was like this. She kept asking colleagues how to things which were an everyday task. Such as where to put damaged fresh items. She worked there for 34 years and after months of sickness, she submitted her notice saying she's retiring aged 57. A sly way as she could keep her discount card. After working X years, you keep your discount card.

Also don't have time for people who believe in every word that red tops, Mail and Express have to say. They have caused the B word.
It's not IQ it's if someone is interesting.

You can have high IQ and be a complete derp.
In fact some of the derpiest have the highest.

Soon as someone comes out with thier IQ score or "I'm in mensa" they can indeed be assigned to the derp category of people
IQ tests are great for determining who can get a good score in an IQ test. They're not much use for anything else really.

Higher IQ test score do positively correlate with socioeconomic status, income, occupational and school performance and law-abidingness.

In contrast, lower IQ scores show a trend of increased rates of psychopathology, crime, inattentiveness, boredom, delinquency, and poverty.

This doesn't mean that the idea of IQ causes these results.

Rather that an interconnected web of factors result in an increase in more favorable outcomes and less of the societally undesirable ones and that IQ tests are one of the best ways we have of providing a general assessment of these factors in a way that has both quite strong and consistent predictive ability.
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If I didn't have time for people with a lower IQ I would spend a lot of time alone. Which end of the scale that puts me on is open for debate :cry:

In all seriousness, IQ is just one element of a personality, it is far from being the only defining characteristic.

Do you have time for people with a low IQ?​

What good is IQ on its own.

You gravitate towards someone without any physical attraction because they have value in their knowledge, skills, motivations and personality.

Sure a low enough mental function hinders all of that but there's no guarantee that more average or above average mental function is going to good use or make someone worth hanging around.
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