Do you have time for people with a low IQ?

Or do you write us off as lazy and a waste of space?
High IQ ≠ less of a ****, so i wouldn't worry about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It took 9 replies for somebody to say "woke" in a thread that isn't anything about that.
Given GD, i'm surprised it took that many posts for someone to not be able to articulate anything specifically meaningful :cry:
On an individual basis I’ve always thought IQ tests are rather pointless. And when used to measure populations they seem to come up with some rather problematic conclusions. I suspect its the cultural background of the person taking the test that determines how well they do in the test more than anything else. And it’s not really a measure of intelligence (whatever that is).
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IQ tests are great for determining who can get a good score in an IQ test. They're not much use for anything else really.

I've got a soon to be ex Brother in Law who just retired as a University Professor and a member of Mensa.
If you talk about anything other than his chosen subject you might as well be talking to a banana.
Every day tasks of drilling a hole or wiring a plug he wouldn't be able to start - he's completely and utterly useless.
I've got a soon to be ex Brother in Law who just retired as a University Professor and a member of Mensa.
If you talk about anything other than his chosen subject you might as well be talking to a banana.
Every day tasks of drilling a hole or wiring a plug he wouldn't be able to start - he's completely and utterly useless.
Yeah some of the smartest people can lack even basic common sense, not sure why that is.
I can't even spell QI.
What's this guy got to do with it?

I am as thick as a whale omelette (from Blackadder) but have made a few good decisions like property and financial, i see myself as a deep thinker, pondering life the universe and everything rather than clever ,having said that maths was my best subject at school especially flow diagram and binary stuff.
I often find that even the thickest of people have a major skill in something.

eg My mate Gordon who would spend all day adding 48 to 123 but if you put him in front of a dart board he would subtract 48 from 123 in a split second.
My mates son is really bad with autism, you can't have a conversation with him however last week he was holding a dinosaur so I asked him a question about it and he could have been David Attenborough.
His Dad said ask him any question about any dinosaur and it was a really informative conversation.
Or do you write us off as lazy and a waste of space?
my dad left school at 14 not an o level to his name. his writing is appalling (undiagnosed dyslexia). 1 thing no one would ever mistake him for is lazy however. he is 77 now and still puts me to shame.
it's a shame really. unlike his generation where physical hard work and having a can do attitude could mean you could still do well for yourself I think it is far harder now. I don't think my dad would get the chance to prove himself nowadays.
(Christ I doubt anyone would get my job without a PhD any more (I don't have one) and yet even "just" 20 years ago they would take on anyone with a levels if there were prepared to learn)
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Whilst at university I had a summer job in a warehouse and this was the only time I have spent any amount of time with really dim people.

They were nice enough people but how they handled disagreement was very childlike, bitchy and mean. Substance and gambling addictions were rife and I've never heard people openly talk about hiring prositutes before or since.

I felt sorry for them that they had to endure such a terribly boring and monotonous job, with no hope of being able to do anything else.

I could only hack it for 6 weeks it really was dreadful.
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