Do you hear "The Hum"

Ok, so I've found that the humming sound I'm hearing is exactly the same pitch every time. It seems to match a frequency of exactly 60hz.

I will hear this for short periods at a time, anything from a couple of seconds up to no more than 20 seconds, and then just silence in between. The pauses between the humming can be any length of time.

If its 60Hz then it is an electrical hum.

I get this too, infact i'm a bit of failure in sleeping 'cos i sometimes get sleep paralysis and night terrors aswell

yep gun going off that's it, oh lovely another "issue" i have with myself. i just have a stiff drink or two, three? if i've been up along time and that surpresses it for me

actually booze works for everything, oh dear lol
Does anyone get it like mine, where I hear is a sudden very high pitched tone (like the COD flashback sound effect) for about 10-20 seconds in one ear, it fades away, and then the ear feels slightly full for another minute or so, before everything subsides?
Does anyone get it like mine, where I hear is a sudden very high pitched tone (like the COD flashback sound effect) for about 10-20 seconds in one ear, it fades away, and then the ear feels slightly full for another minute or so, before everything subsides?

Occasionally if I get up and stretch, pretty rare though for it to happen.

If I really listen I can hear a background hum in my room - given the PCs, mobile phone chargers, UPS, etc. plugged in its not really suprising - its quite suprising sometimes how far the hum from a mobile phone charger at idle can travel let alone when its charging - I suspect what a lot of people are hearing are either that or an insect colony somewhere in the structure of the house.

EDIT: Also had light bulbs before that make a bit of a hum thats quite hard to track down until you work out what it is.
Does anyone get it like mine, where I hear is a sudden very high pitched tone (like the COD flashback sound effect) for about 10-20 seconds in one ear, it fades away, and then the ear feels slightly full for another minute or so, before everything subsides?

Yep. I also described this as a flashbang sound a year or two ago in the other Tinnitus thread on here.

I find this interesting as I hear hums and stuff all the time and I am very sensitive to noises at night like phone chargers and PSU bricks screeching, cars idling outside, subwoofers being left on, bathroom extractor fans running next door, washing machines, dishwashers, power shower pumps etc etc.

I have very good and very "attentive" hearing. I made that phrase up, but basically I seem to be able to focus in on sounds that others can block out and claim to not even be able to hear.

I get tinnitus. I started to notice it a couple of years ago. It is worse this time of year in the cold for me. Stress and lack of sleep also seem to affect it. I had to get my ears syringed for the first time 2 years ago as one day I had gone deaf in one ear. It feels like the time has come nearly to get them done again as I get a lot of was build up. I notice it worse at night. I get a high pitch whine noise when I get it. The syringing helped me after getting them done, but syringing can CAUSE tinnitus for some.

The best thing to do, is keep busy in life and not to think about it too much. If you focus on it, it will consume you. If it gets really bad, try having headphones on at night or very quiet background noise like music or tv. With tinnitus, silence can seem deafening.
Does anyone get it like mine, where I hear is a sudden very high pitched tone (like the COD flashback sound effect) for about 10-20 seconds in one ear, it fades away, and then the ear feels slightly full for another minute or so, before everything subsides?

yep, every other year or so i lose a frequency? we're all gettiing old and going deaf. those 10-20 secs DINGGggggg..... are dying frequency thingy sonthimes.
Yeah that always happens to me, along with a screeching sound! Should I be worried?

No but seriously I get a faint hum and my leg starts shaking.
i hear loud bangs if awake more them 30'ish hours. like just drifting off to sleep and BOOOM! and awake.

I have had this a on a few occasions. Where i will be just falling asleep and then i wake up realy suddenly because of a very loud deafening sound. Then i ask people if they heard anything and there was no sound. It was just in my head. Its happened about 4-6 times.
I have had this a on a few occasions. Where i will be just falling asleep and then i wake up realy suddenly because of a very loud deafening sound. Then i ask people if they heard anything and there was no sound. It was just in my head. Its happened about 4-6 times.

Happens to me too, the sound is ridicolous its as if its like coming from inside the ear :eek:
I have had this a on a few occasions. Where i will be just falling asleep and then i wake up realy suddenly because of a very loud deafening sound. Then i ask people if they heard anything and there was no sound. It was just in my head. Its happened about 4-6 times.

Happens to me too, the sound is ridicolous its as if its like coming from inside the ear :eek:

You guys are suffering from Putinism. Symptons include loud deafening sounds and irrational support for Vladimir Putin.
I get this quite often. Its like a very low bass sound and often I struggle to sleep or it wakes me up in the night. I live quite close (Across a golf course) from Rolls Royce test bed so can only really think its that.
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