do you leave your computer switched on 24/7

Mine is never off, mainly because there’s a DP daisy chain issue sometimes which drives me crazy if I switch one of the 6 screens off, can take a while to get it working again.

So PC + 6 screens are always on ... and running on a UPS which can run the lot for around 30 minutes (including displays, PoE switch for phone)
I don't have a pc... And if I did I wouldn't leave it on. Waste of energy when they're that quick to boot up and download speeds are now quick.

Occasionally forget and leave my laptop (old surface pro) on sleep but generally turn it off
I do sometimes as I can remote in from client locations when I need to do stuff either personally or to look up stuff I might have done before. I tend not to leave both on. 1950X uses twice as much power idling than a 6700K which is not surprising given it's got twice the core count, double the memory and an extra SSD running, and more fans in the case, so tend to use the 6700K more now for 24/7 running if I need one of them running.
If people turn their PC's off you should also flick the switch on the PSU or turn off at the main because it does use power otherwise. Think my 1950X is a couple of watts. Not massive I know but might as well save a bit more.
I turn my PC off if I'm not going to use it for 30 mins or more. Mainly because leaving it on is a waste of energy but also because I use a CLC cooler and I don't want to wear the pump out unnecessarily or have it fail when I'm not there.

My amps, on the other hand, once on stay on for the day. They sound much better after being on for a few hours.
I turn my PC off if I'm not going to use it for 30 mins or more. Mainly because leaving it on is a waste of energy but also because I use a CLC cooler and I don't want to wear the pump out unnecessarily or have it fail when I'm not there.

My amps, on the other hand, once on stay on for the day. They sound much better after being on for a few hours.

Are they tube amps?
These are known to sound a bit muddy when "cold". They change considerably after being on for a couple of hours, it's quite a transformation.

Fair play. The last amp I had was an antique B&O which did the job. I don't think I have the ears to appreciate the fidelity of high end kit.
Nice. I'm not sure these count as high end these days. They can be had for about £100 a piece on the used market. I've had mine for donkeys years though and they still sound great to me. :)
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