Do you like to get your Tats out for the Lads?

Wearing sunglasses while it's overcast and drizzling takes it to a new level. :)

What does tattoos and hot weather have to do with it?

Try looking at the picture on post #72 and the penny might drop.

I'm.. literally discussing the topic from post #1. I don't know what Mr Snow is up to.

Hot weather, cold weather, it's all weather. Tattoos or not. It's all the same.
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Not into tattoos, not to say I wouldn't ever get one and I can appreciate a good quality one. A chap in my local has LOVE HATE on their knuckles though and I just smh, that's like the least amount of effort and imagination.
Those cold shoulder tops (ones with holes in shoulders) were only designed for women to show off their tattoos.

I’m not a fan of them - esp the huge ones
Find the large tattoos - across the back, sleeves etc the worst.

Plus what do people think they are achieving from having a neck tattoo? Looking more thuggish?
I quite often have shades on when others would say it's not that bright. Can thank my mum for my sensitive little peepers.

Unless you're also strutting about like Conor McGregor above for the full top-g look while everyone else is covered then it doesn't count. :)
It amazes me the amount of people that still wear a t-shirt in the colder weather and they always seem to be covered in Tattoos.
I have no tatts but have been known to be out in the cold in tshirts and shorts, but that's because I think I forget we have a thing called the weather forecast sometimes
Unless it's a coincidence i'm seeing a lot of blackout tattoos recently.
I really don't get blackout tats though, I mean I won't judge someone for them , but come on get it lasered off and get something decent? Mind you I did see a video of someone getting abused for being raciest for having black out, I definitely think that is a bit too PC.
I have zero tattoo's, they aint for me, complete waste of money imo.

I'll still happily be out in a T-Shirt at sub 10c for short periods, takes a while for the cold to soak in. I'm happy sat working in a 16c room in my undies though.
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