Do you take any supplements?

Does anyone follow Bryan Johnson?

After selling his company and becoming rich, he's dedicated himself to the persuit of life extension and has spent 2-3 million dollars experimenting.

He's definitely a bit mad. Just his daily supplement list alone of 100+ pills is insane... It's all rather interesting though.

Ah yes I wouldn't be without my Ninja or my red wine (or as @mid_gen calls it, poison)


Ooh, same model I bought!

Any tips when using it?

I made some chunky soup today for the first time, absolutely delicious.
Ooh, same model I bought!

Any tips when using it?

I made some chunky soup today for the first time, absolutely delicious.

its a great buy, you can do sauté before but tbh i tend to just do the smooth soup setting. lentils tomato's peppers and spices or whatever , chuck it all in, go to watch tv, 30 mins later creamy tasty perfect hot soup, boom
I did a strict 1 week retreat.. defined meals, no salt. No sugar and no caffeine. Lots of exercise.. lost a load of weight .

sill eat healthier.

Supplements - vit C, vit K and a wellman sports.
I read some research recently that seems to show that life expectancy is slowing down. Many theories about it most of them are way beyond my knowledge but it's fascinating nonetheless.
I have an uneducated theory about this. The ‘Boomer’ generation had the benefit of decent locally farmed whole foods, no major societal pressures(social media, isolation) etc etc with all the advancements of modern medicine into their old age. Our generations on the other hand live in complete abundance, ultra processed, sugar filled diets with every imaginable mental health disorder and environmental pollutant. Its easy to over consume(and i dont mean being overweight) without thinking about the consequences.

Back on topic, I don’t take any supplements, even when I was training 4-5 days per week for 10+ years, just ate properly. Not out of disapproval, I just don’t like the stomach bloating(whey, multivits) and bloods always checked out so don’t see the point. I did try and take cod liver but again, a slight bit of bloat isn’t worth it.
I see some people saying glucosomine is working well for them. Around 20-25 years ago, GPs would prescribe it for joint pain. But is was then removed from the prescription list, I had assumed there had been more up to date studies that didn't validate the presumed benefits, but maybe it was dropped for another reason.
It's definitely available on the NHS up here, friend of my dad mentioned he was getting it for his knees.
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