Do you talk to yourself?

All the time.

Mostly “Right, now get the spanner...” or “I’m going to need the 7mm drill as this rawplug’s too tight for the 6mm...” stuff as I think through what I’m doing out loud. Drives the missus nuts.
The wife asked last year sometime who I was talking to in the other room. I told her I was talking to myself. She suggested there was perhaps something wrong with me and what was I talking about? I said I'd invited myself out on a date, we were going to the pub on Wednesday night. She just raised her eyes heavenwards, tutted and went off. Come Wednesday she'd obviously remembered and asked what time WE were going. I of course told her there was no we about it, three is a crowd. She didn't get it...

I often talk to myself, sometimes louder than might be discrete and get some funny looks, but to hell with them, I can curse at myself, laugh at myself, sulk with myself, and call out others to myself. If I do that directly to other people then they moan about it. (On here they moderate you). You can get away with explosively politically incorrect things when you say them to yourself. When browsing on here I talk to myself a lot.... ;)
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I sometimes talk to myself as I'm doing something that i'm trying to keep track of around the house.

I'm still finding that I sometimes go to talk to the mutt as I get out of my chair (he used to sit under it), or go through to the kitchen*, I guess 14 years of habit takes time to break fully:) even after 5 years.

*I used to have to tell him to go through the door, otherwise he'd often go through at the same time I did, which led to a broken toe as I tried to avoid kicking him one night when half asleep:p
Been working from home since lockdown and this thread has made me realise I never talk to myself, not even with prolonged silences through the day.

No problem with it if you do, but like others have said, I've known lots of people in the office work through their tasks/workload vocally and it does tend to annoy.

If you need to talk yourself up to doing something fair enough.

Now, my internal monologue? Can't shut that guy up...
I start off thinking something in my head, and then end up finishing the thought out loud.

Often this results in my walking around the house, saying random words (or a couple words) which correspond to a thought I was having.

It's very odd for anybody that happens to be around me :p

Not the first sign of madness in my case tho, there have been a few others before this :p
Yes, I most certainly do!

Embarrassing when you notice someone that has been looking at you and think "was I just talking to myself, and if so, for how long!?".
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Yes all the time, and also known to talk/shout at the TV if i feel something needs to be said, i think this is something which is progressing with age, my other half thinks i am crackers :D
I have spent 80% of my working life working solo so talking to yourself became a habit - Talking to yourself about the problem -how to set about fixing it etc and it's carried on into retirement - I chunter away all the time - a lot of it reading crap on this forum and shouting at the idiot who posted it. - I now even hear the wife mumbling away and I say Yo wot - I am chuntering. :D
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