Not much, unless its rewarding. Tho the side-effect of pulsatile tinnitus (unremoved fistula) forces me to inner speak sometimes to overcome the automatic random phony 'phonic' stimulus pattern and response information associations it creates. Lately I've started / adapted the perturbation it produces as a 'for free' more general new pattern search probe driver.
Like most folk with autism, we dont waste processing time / energy on words unless necessary.
The biggest mistake I see most often is the false assumption that there is no intelligence in the frame. Of course, the "mistake" is only a function of adaptive (intelligent) niche behaviour optomisation. That cetainly allows time for external sources of sensory pleasure essential for healthy normal external social relationships. Without which the species itself dies in a descending cascading way. This view is the einsteinian perspective (the cross-context adaptive interpretative etc conceptual superposition), obviously.