Do you think Islam is British?

cheets64 said:
Not a lot of people in Britain live by a religion, its impossible in this day and age, people like to have fun and go out not be stuck in a church

Aren't you projecting what you like to do, across others?

I'm quite sure quite a few people in Britain still follow religion, and enjoy going to church instead of Yates's, even if you don't. ;)
Surfer said:
I would say the very nature of Islam is anathema to Western Democratic Society and the principles it holds.
Just as Christianity, and incidentally democracy, was anathema to the religions and forms of society it subjugated and replaced.

I understand what you're saying, and that people may not be happy to be living in a cycle of change, but there is the potential for that change to happen.
Surfer said:
VIRII is correct dude. Christianity (Catholicism/Protestantism)has been here a long time!! (i was stunned when you said it wasnt lol)
Where did he say it wasn't?

Besides which, it doesn't matter how long it has been here. The plain fact is there were religions before it and will (probably, but hopefully not) be religions after it.
cheets64 said:
That was a long time ago, Britain is very much a place where Christianity has almost vanished, mainly the older generation follow it, I don't know anybody who goes to church or lives by the churches rules but Islam and its law if very scary to look at in Britain today.
Yes I realise that, no arguments here. However I was just pointing out the "national religion" is Protestantism, not Catholicism.
Just as Christianity, and incidentally democracy, was anathema to the religions and forms of society it subjugated and replaced.

I understand what you're saying, and that people may not be happy to be living in a cycle of change, but there is the potential for that change to happen.
Yes, but similarly, replacing our current culture wouldn't be particularly popular... Do you then feel that Islam is fundamentally incomptible with the British way of life at the moment?
platypus said:
Read the rest of my posts please.

As I've been trying to portray in this thread, Britain used to be - shock horror - something other then Christian. Maybe the cycle of religion has moved on, and Islam will become the natural religion.

You're posts make little sense IMO. WHY would Britian even want to be Islamic?! Why would people where choose it? This isn't Cybernations Gordon Brown doesn't just "click" Islam and we all follow, we're steped in Christian tradition and what will never change IMO.

DAVEM said:
Simply statistics really, the majourity of the country is Christian.
Not really. The number of practising xians is around 850,000 now. A decline of 50% in the last 20 years. What box people tick on a census form is not a good indicator of their beliefs, not unless you really think 300,000 people do follow the ways of the Jedi. The vast difference between what box people ticked and actual numbers is simply explained by social inertia.
platypus said:
Read the rest of my posts please.

As I've been trying to portray in this thread, Britain used to be - shock horror - something other then Christian. Maybe the cycle of religion has moved on, and Islam will become the natural religion.

and yet you provide no substantiating evidence :rolleyes: . So your not doing a very good job at TRYING......

You just speculate that it could be the next natural religion of this country.

a simple google on British history.... wow gee wizz Christianity first started to appear in the 3rd and 4th centuries a HELL OF A LONG time ago..... and even then before Christianity it certainly was not organised.
Let's face it, we're all on the Muslim bandwagon right now because they're trying to blow us up.

The only difference between the IRA 20 years ago and Muslim extremists now is we now have the internet to moan about them. :rolleyes:
Sleepy said:
Not really. The number of practising xians is around 850,000 now. A decline of 50% in the last 20 years. What box people tick on a census form is not a good indicator of their beliefs, not unless you really think 300,000 people do follow the ways of the Jedi. The vast difference between what box people ticked and actual numbers is simply explained by social inertia.

Practising or not the majourity of the country say their religon is Christian, simple as that. It's more of a culture than anything else, a mind set. Imagine "sorry guy's we've gone islamic now, no more christmas holidays, sorry!" like that would EVER happen.
The UK wasn't always Christian though, was about before this?

Surely we should all become Pagan. I quite fancy a human sacrifice like the Druids use to do. ;)
Gilly said:
Where did he say it wasn't?

Besides which, it doesn't matter how long it has been here. The plain fact is there were religions before it and will (probably, but hopefully not) be religions after it.

i edited my post sorry wasnt him was the other dude. (Bill)

Yes of course there was other religions before it but in no way organised in comparison.

I somehow doubt Islam will be the one to replace it......... and have yet to hear any evidence (or actual argument really) from any of the people in this thread saying it will.
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Sleepy said:
Not really. The number of practising xians is around 850,000 now. A decline of 50% in the last 20 years. What box people tick on a census form is not a good indicator of their beliefs, not unless you really think 300,000 people do follow the ways of the Jedi. The vast difference between what box people ticked and actual numbers is simply explained by social inertia.

Belonging to a religion or taking an identity is not pivotal on whether you attend a designated building frequently.

Religion can be personal, and can easily affect a person in many profound ways without them having set foot in a place of worship
Thing is though, we can't really negotiate with Islamic extemists as their goal is so different to the IRAs. Though I suppose we didn't really negotiate with the IRA out of choice tbh.
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