Do you think Islam is British?

Nope its not

I can't believe the question was even asked,

maybe the correct answer is "it's not traditionally British, but it's now becoming more and more prominent in British culture"

The thing is, there are probably more muslims in america than UK (I don't know if thats true, but probably)... so you can't say its British, just part of new British culture.
cleanbluesky said:
To call it "can't be assed xianity" is dismissive.
True but then I'm not the one claiming that 41m people who do sit on their asses on sunday as being members of my church. Hence the phrasing.
Religion is personal, the church is social.
Social groups can help you with your personal religion, but they are not arbitrary.
I accept your general point but we aren't talking about a persons personnal beliefs but about their membership of a community with similar beliefs, CofE etc. So as far as this thread goes the community is all.
Sleepy said:
True but then I'm not the one claiming that 41m people who do sit on their asses on sunday as being members of my church.

'the one'? Is this about me or about the points we are discussing?

I haven't claimed anyone is a member of your church, or my church. I am saying that you can go to Church and sit on your ass or you can stay home and sit on your ass and neither will automatically make you a good Christian.

Hence the phrasing.I accept your general point but we aren't talking about a persons personnal beliefs but about their membership of a community with similar beliefs, CofE etc. So as far as this thread goes the community is all.

And why should attendance define who is or isn't a Christian?
Christ never espoused attendance, he espoused values.
The Church is social support, it is not the Religion.
a.hay said:
Islam originated from the middle east. So no it's not British.
But so did Christianity.. as has been said many a times before on this thread and others. I think the thing is that Christianity has been here for a hell of along time. I don't know when it came over, never mind coming the prominent religion, but 'Britain' itself has only existed since 55BC, so its virtually the same age as Christianity.

Anyway, to answer the OP, nope, I don't believe Islam has any place in Britain. I wish for no religion too to be honest, but that's for another thread.
I find it amusing that we all agree Islam isn't British, yet there is still arguement in this thread. The fine members of OCUK sure do like to dispute over nothing, don't they?

And CBS you didn't answer my cheeky comment on Muslims drinking. This upsets me. I am now upset. This technically makes me guilty as well.
basmic said:
Define British. ;)

Years ago I would have said:


But now I realise that's absolute rubbish. There are no true British left any more. We've been invaded so many times through history that we're actually an amalgam of a variety of cultures. Modern immigration is further altering this.

I'd say nowadays being British is more about an ideology then actual genetic right, if that makes sense ;)
dirtydog said:
Where to?

It's quite ironic you criticising Britons for not making a stand against the invasion and then announcing you are emigrating yourself ;)

Canada probably, nothing to do with the impending islamolollercoaster :)
Gilly said:

Islam is not western. It has no roots here and, pardon me for saying, has no place here.

What about Judaism, Catholicism or Christianity? They didn't originate in Britain either.

I don't see why someone's personal religious faith should stop them from being considered 'British'.

Are Chris Eubank, Naseem Hamed, Amir Khan not British either then? Britain has been a multicultural society since the days of the British Empire and don't forget that Britain also includes Welsh, Scottish and Irish people as well as the English - each have their own extremely distinct heritage and yet are considered British.

I'm sick of people emphasising the differences between each other when the only way to stamp out extremism, racism and terrorism is to unite together as a proud nation accepting each others' inherent differences and celebrating what makes us the same. With every step away from the voices of the moderate centre, the closer society gets to an all out clash of civilisations.
IceBus said:
What about Judaism, Catholicism or Christianity? They didn't originate in Britain either.
Nope, and nor did I say they did.

IceBus said:
I don't see why someone's personal religious faith should stop them from being considered 'British'.
Where did I say that was the case?

IceBus said:
Are Chris Eubank, Naseem Hamed, Amir Khan not British either then?
Where the hell did I say anything that even remotely resembles anything like that?
IceBus said:
I'm sick of people emphasising the differences between each other when the only way to stamp out extremism, racism and terrorism is to unite together as a proud nation accepting each others' inherent differences and celebrating what makes us the same.
Its kinda hard when you cant understand a bloody word they say. I Think it was Larry Grayson or benny Hill said it best "When in Rome and all that...."
When I go to Spain, I make a concerted effort to make conversation and ask for things in spanish, dos cappuchinos por favour, etc. Not just have migrants/immigrants mumble big issue at me.
Islam itself is not British. That much is obvious. However, following Islam does not mean that one is not British. It is a religion, not a nationality.
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