Do you trust the mainstream media?

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
By Mainstream media i mean the establishment, everything you see on Terrestrial, Satellite and Cable TV, all the establishment rags, the lot..... Including the BBC.

I don't trust any of them, i think a lot of them are either Socialist or Conservative Propaganda Machines, no really, most of them are infested with Third Wave Feminists and Socialists with sprinkling of the odd extreme opposition to all of that nonsense.

The Gender wage gap is not due to misogyny, there is no male conspiracy to exclude Woman from a Male constructed world, being outside of the EU is not a disaster or the best thing that's ever happened to us, Donald Trump is not Hitler and nor are those who voted him or for Brexit because of Immigration, the Syrian opposition are not nice fluffy democrat's, they hate Assad because he is a secularist, they don't want Christians, Jews and Muslims living in harmony side by side they want to be-head us all for daring to exist....... i could go on.

I have to say i was surprised to learn that only 21% of the British public trust their media but then again i shouldn't be, i haven't trusted a word they utter for years and look at they way they behave, all of it is doom and gloom, some of it outright hate and lies, i should have trusted the Great British people are smarter than that, knowing the statistics gives me hope.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
There is nothing wrong with Immigration, we have had immigration in this country for a century, none of it has ever been a problem.

However. Over the last decade we have had the wrong sort of immigration, the sort of immigration that is culturally vastly different to our society and does not want to integrate, some of them are not nice people, that immigration is also way too high so its a real strain on our services and when 10% of 1m+ people mean us harm we know about it. its that sort of immigration Socialists and Globalists tell us is a good idea.

The other side of that coin is uncontrolled Immigration, that's the sort of immigration that drives natives out of work and forces wage stagnation on those who already barely keep their heads above the water line, its that sort of immigration those who pay our wages tell us is good for the country.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Of course not.

The mainstream media today is as biased and polarised as society in general, anyone to the right of the far left radical agenda of which most of the mainstream media supports are being painted as dangerous people (ie. racist far right Nazi's) and the media is one of the biggest culprits for spreading that mentality.

I think with anything in life finding a balance between the two extremes is the most healthy place to be but the left have cultivated a "you're either with us or against us" mentality and are even sanctioning violence (Antifa activists etc) against those who don't conform to their herd mentality.

Chicken or the egg, one could just as easily argue society is polarised because the mainstream media is polarised.

For me, i know what i believe in, we are an international world these days, we play games with people from all over the world and the vast majority of us enjoy the company of such diversity, the suggestion that any of us are racist is an insult to us, and yet an awful lot of us voted out of the union primarily because of its immigration policy.
For me Immigration is a huge issue, i don't care so much about the single market beyond my feeling its a protection racket that stops us trading with the rest of the world and it with us, i don't care that much about the EU dictating our laws to us, i think we know better than they do what is good for us but their flat-out refusal to allow us to control of our own boarders is what ultimately made me vote Brexit because if you have no boarders you have no country and that ultimately is the point, the EU wants to dissolve the nation state into a United States of Europe governed by Brussels, i believe, very strongly we do better to ourselves governing ourselves.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
A lot of it is BS, I know people who have sent them BS stories for lols and they printed it. One of those being the Guardian :/

The other issue is (having personally seen what happens internally and what the press say), they fill in the gaps themselves and act like it's fact. But often being way off the mark.

I wouldn't even call much of it "news" any more, more like opinion or rumours.

A Soap Opera, is what i would call it, if its not an attempt to drive home an agenda its because you have lost the attention of the well adjusted viewer and are left with a neurotic audience you cater for that audience.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
And apparently there was once a human that needed to swallow a spider to eat a fly. Mass unskilled immigration is neither sustainable or desirable for the majority of the working population of a country. Other countries and parts of the UK function without mass immigration. Its a bare faced lie that 'we' need unskilled immigration. This sort out of immigration suits some dubious business models and guilt ridden, western society hating individuals who think they can absolve their misplaced sense of collective, inter generational guilt by promoting mass immigration whoose affects are mostly felt by the more common classics who they despise.

False news and you should know better then repeating such deliberately misleading figures . ..

The general media is infested by feminism and socialism (more accurately marxism)

Just look at the stupid reporting of the 'gender pay gap' for one example by mainstream sources.

Interesting that you should use the word Marxism to describe it, certainly there is a correlation in what Third Wave Feminists want with their 'Affirmative Action' or rather engineered 'Equality of Outcome' which is a very different thing to 'Equality of Opportunity' and absolutely Marxist in its nature.

As for the other word i use, Socialists, same thing as you no doubt know :)
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
But we have a national minimum wage?

Or are you now saying skilled migrant workers are willing to ask for less money to do the same job as a British citizen?

Easy to get around, provide accommodation and take it out of their wages, a couple of hundred of them crammed into a few 5 bed houses take £70 a week off each of them for that accommodation and you can line your pockets nicely.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Another thing that a lot of Ivory Tower Socialists just don't understand is why Trump is so popular, they really don't get it because, during his election lefties went on the attack, they thought the best way to get Hillary in was to attack Trump.
During this Trump actually gained popularity, the more extreme they got with their rhetoric the more popular he became.

Now, instead of realising this they now double down on exactly what got him elected, their swivel eye'd insanity, in the last 2 years they just keep getting more and more unhinged.
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama) to compare him with Hitler, calling for trump aides to be harassed, one or two even calling for his under 10 years old grand kids to be harassed at school, because you know when you're a Nazi anything goes....

So at the end of all this insanity Trumps approval ratings go from 42% to 43%, his approval rating among Hispanics goes up 10 points.

Why do you think all this is?
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Another thing that a lot of Ivory Tower Socialists just don't understand is why Trump is so popular, they really don't get it because, during his election lefties went on the attack, they thought the best way to get Hillary in was to attack Trump.
During this Trump actually gained popularity, the more extreme they got with their rhetoric the more popular he became.

Now, instead of realising this they now double down on exactly what got him elected, their swivel eye'd insanity, in the last 2 years they just keep getting more and more unhinged.
In this last month they have taken to using the Kids in Cages thing (Which was started under the Clinton's and continued under Obama) to compare him with Hitler, calling for trump aides to be harassed, one or two even calling for his under 10 years old grand kids to be harassed at school, because you know when you're a Nazi anything goes....

So at the end of all this insanity Trumps approval ratings go from 42% to 43%, his approval rating among Hispanics goes up 10 points.

Why do you think all this is?

Wrong video... this is the video i was meant to post, and yes i think its almost perversely hilarious.

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Quite, I thought it was hilarious that his approval rating went up amongst Hispanics by 10 points during that whole ordeal.

The democrats really need to rethink things, its not going well at the moment, they have no ammo but to drum up false outrage over stuff. It's creating an environment where people are just numb to it, when something credible emerges, which should be criticised, you'll just have a democrats crying wolf scenario. No one will take notice.

The Environment they are creating is worse than that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won on some radical policies, by radical i mean No prisons, No Capitalism, No Boarders.... their insane reaction to Trump is electing in Marxist political activists from failed socialists states and if they keep it up they will pay a very heavy price, you know, they will not stop untill they have made themselves completely unelectable.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Do you consider the existance of the NHS a radical policy?

Your other post is more complex i may get back to it when i have more time, to answer this i would ask you do you think there is a difference between not having boarders or prisons and universal healthcare? I'm very careful not to say free healthcare, it is not free, we pay for it through taxes.

There are not many so extreme that they disagree with anything socialist, i'm certainly not one of them, no i don't think the NHS is radical, i think its pragmatic.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
This is about the MSM reporting the truth and you aren't being honest yourself.

Whilst it's true that unaccompanied minors were previously held in detention centers under Obama, the difference is that under Trump they were forcibly removing them from their parents at the border.

The toddler on the Time Mag cover was taken from her mother and put on the floor while her mother got into the vehicle, once in the child was handed back to her by the ICE officer, they were never separated, the woman with the child was an economic migrant who left their home with the child against the fathers will.

It was a lie.

The first round of migrant children in cages blamed on Trump were actually from the Obama era, a lot of those articles were removed once that was known with nothing more about them said, a few weeks later they managed to find some as a result of the Trump administration and used to attack him, Obama's the same apparent crimes go unmentioned again.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Thanks Caracas ^^^^^ VincentHanna read it before you get too defensive of her.

Yes, after Time magazine published the photo it turned out to be a lie.

That one thing doesn't make everything else a lie...

They didn't bother to ask the ICE officer what actually happened? or bother to speak with the woman before publishing that garbage?

They didn't do any basic fact checking?

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The photo was highlighting the issue of ICE forcably removing children from their families, based on Trumps policy.

You surely can't deny that was actually happening? You just seem to be deflecting about one particular child.

Would it have made a difference if they drew a cartoon front cover?

No, it doesn't, the child was never separated from the mother, unless what you are talking about is the few seconds as the child was placed on the floor so the mother could get into the vehicle? are you serious?

And why is it Trumps policy? what about this?

Do you remember this? this was blamed on Trump, turns out it was Obama that did this.


How evil is Obama VincentHanna?

Did you also know Trump tried to get this policy overturned by Congress, democrats congress and they refused, Trump had to make it an executive order to stop it from happening.

Anyway, i'm off for some dinner :)
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The fact you swallowed that total BS is all I need to know about you not believing the mainstream media.

There is no law requiring children to be taken from parents apprehended after unlawfully crossing the border. The Trump administration adopted the policy in April and could stop it at any time. Neither Democrat Barack Obama nor Republican George W. Bush followed the practice during their presidencies.

Again this is why there is no trust in mainstream media, i'll break this ^^^ down into what it actually means.

There is no law requiring children to be taken from parents apprehended after unlawfully crossing the border.

As this is worded it is absolutely correct, yet as an answer to a question it proposes to answer its misleading, its a play on wording.
So here is the difference between word play and fact. There is a law that requires children to be removed from their parents if they are arrested for breaking the law, illegally crossing the boarder is deemed a criminal offence and parents are arrested for it thus their children are removed from them during this process.
Trump changed that to make exceptions for illegal immigrants.

The Trump administration adopted the policy in April and could stop it at any time. Neither Democrat Barack Obama nor Republican George W. Bush followed the practice during their presidencies.

That line is just a bare faced lie, those initial images used against Trump are of children in cages separated from parents at the boarder during Obama's administration.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Erm Humbug IIRC illegally crossing the boarder used to be a misdemeaner (I think is the term), not a "criminal" offence under US law.

Think the difference between a parking ticket and dangerous driving.

The previous administrations did not routinely seperate children from their parents, and when they did it was usually until relationships were confirmed and proper records were kept.
Under Trump they're doing it as a deliberate attempt to put people off trying to claim asylum (under US law they have to do that either inside the US or at the checkpoint, at least along the Mexico boarder), and they have then been destroying the initial records of which children where with which adults in hundreds of cases, which means that it's a major, ir not near impossible task to reunite them.

This isn't some MSM propeganda, this is what is Trump himself has said (that breaking up the familieis is to scare people off), and what is turning up in court cases.

No child should be separated from their parents let alone locked up in cages, but to suggest let alone say no one but Trump did this is a lie.

We should have a debate about how we treat immigrants, in this country too, blaming it entirely on your opposition while trying to white wash your own is nothing more than trying to maintain higher political ground than your opposition and does nothing more than turn people off to a debate that needs to be had, and yes when the media do this it is a deliberate partisan lie on their part.

That Time cover is also a lie.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Well, ITV did a piece on Trump at 7pm last night that was not too bad, one of the people they had commenting was classic feminist Geneen Grea (That is not how you speed her name, i don't know how to spell it) her take on the Trump hysteria: Get a ####'ing grip **********, i'm paraphrasing of course.

CH4's news comrades started their Trump coverage with a bunch of swivel eye lunatics pushing their kids in-front of the cameras wailing "we don't want a misogynist racist world for our children" which is when i switched to ITV.
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