Doctor Who

The TARDIS has always been unreliable and fickle. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. That’s classic Who again. No problem with that.
It continually amuses me the number of people who have issues with things not being "right" for Doctor Who, when the things in question have been there for literally decades :)

As you say classic Who and sort of nice to see that random element back again as it's part of the Who dynamic, the Doctor not quite knowing where or when he'll end up:)

I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Was expecting it to be overly PC bs but was actually impressed.
They "dared" to use racist words which oddly enough impressed me to a degree.
A little bit preechy. Weak villian, but all in all pretty good.

Oh I found the music levels to be overbearingly loud compared to the voices. Is this just me or a common feature? A lot of the sound mixing was too loud last season too.

What's coming next week?
saw they have some new doctor who radio stuff coming out, they seem to have messed around with the bbc website though, (radio now called sounds wth) so couldn't see if it will be broadcast.
they have had some good who plays for car/mobile listening, like the douglas adams stuff.

Big Finish Productions are to release a new set of audio adventures featuring some iconic characters from the days of UNIT.
When Tim Treloar and Katy Manning return as the Third Doctor and Jo Grant in The Third Doctor Adventures Volume Five, they’ll be joining forces with three other characters from 1970s Doctor Who, The Brigadier, Benton and Liz Shaw.

taking into consideration the new Sunday tv slot, have not seen any analysis whether the viewing figures, are better/worse ?
saw they have some new doctor who radio stuff coming out, they seem to have messed around with the bbc website though, (radio now called sounds wth) so couldn't see if it will be broadcast.
they have had some good who plays for car/mobile listening, like the douglas adams stuff.

taking into consideration the new Sunday tv slot, have not seen any analysis whether the viewing figures, are better/worse ?
Viewing figures have remained strong over the weeks. I think its around 6.5-7 million without iPlayer views being included.
I really enjoyed this episode which I was a bit surprised about as the more recent historical stories have left me a bit cold. I was particularly pleased to see that they made use of the fact that they had a diverse cast in order to tell the story a different way and from a number of viewpoints:

Two standouts for me being Ryan's introduction to Dr King, and Bradley Walsh's character's response when he realised he was going to have to sit idly by whilst Rosa was arrested, I thought that was particularly fine work given the context of him being in a mixed race marriage and having just lost his wife.

I wasn't particularly enamored with the villain but the concept of a time travelling trouble maker trying to mess with history in some way does appeal to me so here's hoping it pans out if he's going to return. I get the feeling his "you people" comments to Ryan were probably misleading and his prejudice isn't necessarily linked to his race but we'll see

Overall I'm much happier with this episode compared to the last two.
Going back over it, storywise, another one of my gripes was why Rosa wasn't angry or seething that she was put into that position by the people that she knows: The Doctor and the Gang.

Yes, it was the system, but if I had been her, and was put into that position by people who were previously friendly and nice, then they (The Doctor and the Gang) may have been setting her up to get arrested (she wouldn't know it would instigate change remember, just protesting against the system). I would have been glowering at them, and would have hit home especially on Graham on why he didn't want to be there as a part of it.

It would have been an excellent setup for future follow ups or development for Graham on realising what becoming part of established events during time travel can mean. Lost opportunity I would say.
Not too impressed with the last Dr Who episode. I don't really want a history lesson although I do think the atmosphere was very well presented. I want a bit more Sci Fi and less Quantum Leap.
Also I don't really like the Tardis entrance, it looks like a porch entrance to a building behind. The door straight into the vast space was a much better concept.
A lot of the best science fiction uses futuristic/fantastical settings to talk about contemporary issues

You might not need a history lesson, but a lot of kids know nothing about that event:

Maybe, just maybe, I have become a hardened cynic in my old age but the first twitter message on that link, about how her 14 year old son shed a tear at the end of the episode seems, I don't know. BS? Hyperbole? Exaggeration? I couldn't imagine a 14 year old boy shedding a tear over that episode.

Now there are possibilities here...

1) I was just a nasty 14 year old myself and didn't cry over an episode of Doctor Who, no matter the content.
2) I've become cynical in my old age and don't believe that 14 year old boys in 2018 are quite as ....shall we say, that.
3) The 14 year old boys that I know from my local schools are just nasty and tougher than the norm.
4) Marcia Layne completely made that part up in her twitter post
5) Marcias 14 year old son is very in touch with his emotions

I'm guessing that its me who is the one with the emotional issues, so I'm assuming that its a combination of 1 and 2 , rather than it being an untruth
My 12 year old son must be emotionally dead then. Despite him not being white he didn't come anywhere near to crying when I explained how the western world (and even South Africa) was in my fathers era. In fact he just asked a few questions and then got back to playing on his xbox.
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Ratings look like they are plummeting fast though:

From 8.2m to 6.39m in 3 episodes isn't a good sign.

I mean...I even forgot it was on and I don't really feel like I've missed anything.
That's about the same ratio as Capaldi's three seasons (Overnight figures, 78% compared with 77%, 81% and 81%, episode 3 vs episode 1).

And, of course, the S11 figures are much higher anyway. Not far off double.
Enjoyed the episode overall, but:

  • Way too much screwdriver.
  • The 'talk' by the waste bin - we get the message, no need for spoonfeeding.
  • As posters have previously stated, Doctor is is a bit 'flat' - no presence.
  • And....................
  • the bad guy...........


He was one of the worse bad guys ever. He looked like a reject T-Bird from Grease (remember them?). The character had a good back story and a character that could be used again, but the actual actor and wardrobe was very, very, very, very, very, poor. :(
He was one of the worse bad guys ever. He looked like a reject T-Bird from Grease (remember them?). The character had a good back story and a character that could be used again, but the actual actor and wardrobe was very, very, very, very, very, poor. :(

Probably handed off to one of the BBC's latest intake of social and gender studies graduates with the brief 'he's a late teens/early twenties white guy in 50s America'.
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