Does anyone else hate going to the barbers?

The one thing I really hate is having my hair cut by new people. I don't particularly have an issue with people I'm used to, but if you get some cowboy then you've got to live with it until you get it cut again :(

I've just moved down to London and had to find myself somewhere new. Luckily, they're pretty good and the need for small talk was eliminated, as they were all Polish and didn't really do chit-chat. All for a tenner. Bonus.
FYI I'm going to get some hairs cut in the morning....right after the car gets a wash :D
Pretty bald - clippers one and a half all over and neck shave.

Barbers I go to are all good looking young ladies with degree level qualifications in barbering and communication studies....

"Have you been away then - look at the colour of yer!

Oh Cyprus, yeah. I believe that the archaeological excavations at the world heritage site of Roman Pathos are well worth a visit. The villa mosaics are seriously groovy init. I hope you took in the geological formations of the Mount Troodos National Park while you were there? Is it square or tapered your neck?"

Barbering bliss - I love it.
Hmmm... I'm in need of a haircut, and as I said earlier in this thread, am going bald. I've yet to start having my hair cut particularly short (no. 3 sides and scissors on top). Ignoring the fact that I dislike going to the hairdressers anyway, do I:

Go to the hairdressers and get it done shorter (which they seem incapable of from previous experience)?

Go to Argos and buy some clippers to find that I look ok with short hair, or find the top of my head looks like a dented biscuit tin?

This is a genuine question BTW, I just can't decide.
I absolutley hate it. I always put it off and put it off until I have to go then I have to psych my self up for it on the way there. Always a ncie relief when it's over and done with though.

I never knew anyone could be so bothered about having there hair cut :confused:

I only go to unisex hairdressers, never barbers, they terrify me!

Also how exactly do you get them to do something different with your hair? I find that when I say "something different....surprise me" they look at me as if I've suddenly grown an extra head.
I'd pay your hairdresser to do short back and sides and shave a bald pattern out on the top next time you asked, just to give you a surprise :)
I don't like it either. The last one I went to I was the only customer, and the guy was so rough with my head I thought he was trying to make me dizzy or something! Plus the scissors digging in so much was painful. He also cut the front much shorter than the rest, so I ended up looking like a pratt for about 2 weeks until it evened out acceptably again. Well, for £7 I shouldn't expect a lot. Can't believe some people are paying £30 a cut. I would sooner cut it myself. Badly. I really need to go tomorrow.

Anyone know any good ones in Bristol that don't cost the earth?
Yeah. Mainly cos I'm pretty much bald on top. :( Hated paying a guy at the Uni barbers £7 every few weeks when I had little hair to cut. :p

So I got a £20 pair of clippers and have done my hair myself ever since. I always trim my hair to a number 1 setting but I'm wondering if I need something a bit shorter. Does anyone do their own hair to a shorter setting? I might look for a pair of clippers that can do shorter than a number 1. :)
Usually get my hair cut by a family member for free.. always has been up until this year.

After coming back from Japan last year, I decided to let my hair grow longer - 'wannabe Japanese' hairstyle :o

In Sept, went to a Japanese hair salon in West London for a haircut.. £22 :eek:. Didn't really speak to the Japanese girl cutting my hair as I dunno Japanese and her English wasn't good enough..

Two weeks ago, I went to the hairdressing dept at the college I'm studying in.. cost £2 :D (usually £4 for men but students get it half price once per term)
OK, it took two hours, and nobody in the place knew how to do a Japanese hairstyle.. plus I was a 'guinea pig'.

Talked to the girl who cut my hair, and during that time, her tutor told her off for talking too much! She said she was the shy type and didn't enjoy making small talk with the clients.

In case you're wondering, she has a boyfriend..

Not good at small talk myself TBH..
I used to dislike going to the barbers purely because I hated waiting around and it was always busy. Nowadays I get my hair cut at a friend's salon and it's a much nicer experience as I can just agree a time and get straight in and out.
I go maybe once every 6 months, let it grow out then have it all lopped off, half because I never know what I want done, and secondly because regardless of what I ask, they never do as I ask, I've even shown them pictures of what I want, and get nothing of the kind, I'm yet to find somewhere that I've been impressed with
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