Does anyone get embarrassed really easily?

8 Feb 2006

For quite sometime now I have had a problem with my confidence. When I get embarrassed, believe me, I get embarrassed, my face gets hot and my face goes bright red. It feels very uncomfortable, and I don't remember having this problem in my earlier/mid teens, it's only recently in my later teens. I don't ever have this problem socializing with people I know, it's just when I have a conversation with someone I have just met (mainly girls).

The wrost situation is when I'm in class, and I'm attempting to make a contribution, I just go bright red and everyone looks at me and I feel so uncomfortable and silly.

So, I was wondering, has anyone else got this problem? Or has anyone previously had this problem and managed to overcome it?

Yeah i get that sometimes, i get it when im not uncomfortable too, and not in any way embarrassed! But it looks like i am, and saying i'm not embarrassed means nothing.

I don't get it very often at all though, it's a pain anyhoo.
Strangely enough, it comes and goes. I'll have phases where I'm absolutely fine talking with people, and I'm the most confident person you'll meet, other times it's a whole different story.

I can't even imagine going for a serious job interview, I wouldn't survive.
I used to get that in class too. My solution was to get an erection, which took the attention (and the heat) away from my face.
Yes, I used to be the same. The same red/hot/uncomfortable feeling as you. Don't worry though, it will probably pass with age/experience.

I don't really care what people think anymore, but in some circumstances it can still be a bit difficult to speak infront of unfamiliar people.

I find beer helps... :p
Tru said:
I used to get that in class too. My solution was to get an erection, which took the attention (and the heat) away from my face.

You either have a small face or..
I always used to be like that (by used to i mean last year)

It was really annoying, would take me ages to get up the courage to talk to people and make friends, and then even longer just to be myself when i was around them.

But over summer i changed.. i was working for the college, i'm not sure why but it really made me see that being shy and withdrawn wasnt getting me anywhere. I'm not saying now i'm the most out going person but i feel much better.

All i can say is try not to dwell too much on when you feel silly.. and when you say something and people take it well, then think back to that moment and how speaking up and making a contribution made you feel good.

Hope this helps (:
I used to get that in class too. My solution was to get an erection, which took the attention (and the heat) away from my face.

Good, so long as you're not standing up. Possibly.

I bet you're known as the 'bonk-on boy' by all your old classmates now? :D
danza said:
Yes, I used to be the same. The same red/hot/uncomfortable feeling as you. Don't worry though, it will probably pass with age/experience.

I don't really care what people think anymore, but in some circumstances it can still be a bit difficult to speak infront of unfamiliar people.

I find beer helps... :p

I'm glad I'm not the only one, even though you have "grown out of if".

I have no doubts that beer would help, but considering my situation I would probably become an alcoholic. :p :)
LOL @ Tru - will you ever behave? :D

As for the OP question, everyone gets embarassed from time to time, I used to when I was younger. I never get embarassed at all now, I gues confidence and a belief in your own abilities is something that comes with age.

For what it is worth, here is my little bit of advice:

1) Believe in yourself and what you are capable of.
2) Remember eveyone else is just as apprehensive and afraid of being embarassed
3) Just don't care :)
Alchemy said:
Strangely enough, it comes and goes. I'll have phases where I'm absolutely fine talking with people, and I'm the most confident person you'll meet, other times it's a whole different story.

I can't even imagine going for a serious job interview, I wouldn't survive.

Theres your problem your worrying about it, that will bring it on or so ive found. Just relax - two very easy words to say ;).

I don't know exactly what you class as a 'serious' job interview, but i've had a few interviews myself and i've survived!
danza said:
Good, so long as you're not standing up. Possibly.

I bet you're known as the 'bonk-on boy' by all your old classmates now? :D

I think I'm known as 'that kid they knew who got sectioned'.
I get embarrassed really easily. I hate talking in front of groups of people and I am so self conscious so I worry about what people think and if they'll think I'm a fool.
JohnnyG said:
I think it's just you mate, try not to worry about it though.

Agreed. I've never been embarrassed at anything really. I have a stone-cold face 24/7. Nobody ****s with the Jesus.
I can sympathise mate, I get it all the time, most often when answering questions in class and talking to people I don't know.

You could practicaly fry an egg on my face if a girl were to talk to me.
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reflex said:
Yeah Social anxiety disorder


Was just about to say.

I recently had a problem which I beat through arrogance. Think that you're better than everyone else at everything, although try not to become arrogant in conversation though!
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