Does anyone here have no interest in computer stuff?

Not really. Used to love tinkering and so on. Years of working it IT has killed the urge to tinker. I have a laptop for wireless browsing, it really needs a re-install, but I cannot be arsed.

I recently got a full system off Overclockers because I really didn't want to build one but didn't want a Dell ( ;) ) - so now I can play some games again.

Working in IT Management means (thankfully) I don't do a lot of support for users. It does mean I get real grief about other things...but hey it pays!
i still read up on hardware and have a passing interest, but i swapped my desktop for a laptop and bought an xbox 360 for gaming, as gaming on a desktop was costing me a fortune. Might buy a desktop down the line after uni, but even then i might consider a pre-built one.
I used to, kept on modding and upgrading my pc all the time, but now I just have it a bit overclocked and do nothing but go online and watch movies on it.
My last serious PC purchase was a graphics card, essentially for games.

Since starting my job, PC stuff has been for work purposes, second monitor, bluetooth dongle, keyboard and mouse, USB back-up drive etc.

I don't follow the PC market as much as I used to, I couldn't tell you the best graphics card for £200 anymore.
I just recently upgraded, after a 5 year stint of having a rubbish one. But after playing FEAR, HL2 and vampire bloodlines (probably the only reason i bought it) I use it for nothing other than browsing, syncing to the ipod, phone and camera. what a waste!! oh well. Still find them slightly interesting.
Me. I was into it all, upgrades, games, overclocking - then one day it just struck me as being utterly pointless. I stopped playing games, fell by the wayside and just browse and run microsoft office. :(
I still have an interest, but no longer the budget after buying and running a car, doesn't help that I work at tesco now and have no money sense.
nope couldn't give a monkeys now - few years ago i was only interested in computers because I wanted something decent to play HL1.
penski said:
I did until about 3 1/2 years ago...When I started a career in IT.

Now I'm so far out of the loop it's insane...My main Pc is an AMD XP1800+ (JIUHB core at a stock 1.53GHz. Bite me, overclocking peons! ;)) that's six years old...
Hah, until about a year ago I was running an Athlon 800. I have no idea how old it was, but if yours was six years then it must have been OLD.

I bought a new hard drive a while back and had to ask my mate for help installing it. I don't know what I'm doing here :(
Depends what you mean by computers. I don't like doing spreadsheets, typing, databases or anything like that, i used to get a banging headache when i was at school after a 50 min lesson.

I enjoyed building my PC and enjoy modding my case as a hobby. I also enjoy playing FPS games every now and again, on line and single player. I use my PC to watch TV shows like Sopranos, 24 and Lost, the odd DVD and of coarse music. I also enjoy photography and use my PC to edit photos. Then theres the Internet, forums, chatting to friends on MSN. i don't think ill ever loose interest in computers as they have so much to offer, but i wouldn't like a career in IT as id find that very boring, although i wouldn't mind building PC's for a living.

I've lost quite a bit of interest (or enthusiasm you could say) in computers. I started off in year 9 just playing games like C+C and CS, then started building my own and got more into it. Stupidly it took over most of my life (idiotic mistake of mine, I was predicted a few more GCSE's than I got). I thought that I wanted to do something in computing so I did a computing course in my first year at college, wrong choice, I figured I didn't want a desk job I wanted something more creative so I'm going to be a chef instead :)
I still like to tinker with hardware from time to time but i'm not going to let it take over my life and money.
I suppose your right, i'll stick to building for familly and friends. Plus i bet you dont get many top spec gaming rigs to build, mainly "i just want something to surf the net" jobs :( .
Never been interested in computers for the overclocking aspect (I've only ever tried overclocking once, on a graphics card. It didn't go well). I like 'em for games and programming games in, and that hasn't changed in some time, and I don't expect it to. :)
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