Does anyone here have no interest in computer stuff?

Jimmeh said:
No. Although I did have an interview with them once :).

I work for a large American Re-Insurance company who are based in Bermuda, but who's Global Data Centre operate out of Crawley.
Luckily, I am able to base myself mainly in their European HQ office in the City.

Ah right, gotcha.

Just i've been dealing with Blackberries all day and though oh no... surely not.
I have been into computing since the age of 6, am just finishing a degree in comp sci and am as enthusiastic as i was when i was 7 making animation in photodeluxe on my amiga :p

As i see it, "computing" is what you make of it. If i wanted to make a new form of calculator id need a lot of computing (and electrical engineering) knowledge, if i wanted to make a piece of software to visualise atomic data, i'd need very good computational knowledge, if i want to upgrade my CPU i need that knowledge, I like knowing how the world works and as a field I see it as endless.

Thats why once im done with my BSc im gnna do an MSc in advanced comp sci and then hopefully find my way into the world of research.

Its an exciting and endless subject imo and still one of the few arena's where true talent shines through (in the right channels)
I originally joined to ask a question about hardware or something or other, but seeing as i am taking a degree in software engineering i do enough at university at home i just use my computer for the net and music, on this forum i spend most of my time in motors i guess i am more interested in cars now :D

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