Does anyone vote BNP if so why

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Wow , didnt expect so many replies. I ask this question really to see peoples viewpoint on the bnp as we may have 3 representitives of the BNP running in the local elections here in Stoke. How many of you think that we have too many asylum seekers and they should send them back .
Originally posted by iam
/tries not to deteriorate into childish mode

Yeah - we could debate whether you were wrong or the rest of us were right ;)


/please let it end here

Who is being childish - me because I don't agree with you?

The definition of racism IS debatable. The definition I provided is different to the definition silverpaw provided.

I believe a person's race is determined by their ancestry and physical characteristics. I am not alone in that belief. Nationality only comes into it when it coincides with race being different also. Eg. most Africans may be both a different race and a different nationality. But they are not a different race because they are African, but because they have different physical characteristics to the indigenous British people, for example.
Originally posted by cymap
How many of you think that we have too many asylum seekers and they should send them back .
The BNP "stance" on asylum seekers is unworkable. They claim they'll "deport" illegal immigrants, they don't go into any detail on how they're going to find out a) who they are; and b) where they came from, thi is the problem every country has, considering the problem in Britain is the increased number of applications being made within the country, it's clear preventing illegal immigrants getting here is what needs to be addressed.
Side tracking over the defintion of a word.

Dirtydog what 'race' are you then?

There is no such thing as an indigenous British people. Ask the Scots and Welsh whether they are British, ask then whether they think the English are indigenous.
The thing is kanes, when I see someone who is racist I will let my feelings known, I do not call people racist because they dont have the same views as me.

Racism is everything to do with colour/nationality/race/religion.
I noticed a lot of people here who are going "omg you cant vote for the BNP" are from area's that dont have any real problem with racism. you may get the odd jibe but thats it.
Coming from the Blackburn area (i belive they now have had a BNP member elected now) i can tell you these areas have a REAL problem, the govenment are doing nothing about it, or are seen at doing nothing about it. You walk down a "black" part of the town and you will be either attacked by mobs or have racial abuse thrown at you, the same for a "white" part of the town, i wouldnt even dare walk/drive through parts of Burnley. You dont see half of it on TV

People are looking for a way out and see voting BNP as the way, and to a certain extent i belive it is, there hard line views certainly do encourage people to vote for them, there not scared of airing there views on the issue's unlike Labour etc. Calling them scum is a bit wrong, because they have strong beliefs in somthing that you dont particular agree on you cant go around calling them scum.
Originally posted by Custor
Side tracking over the defintion of a word.

Dirtydog what 'race' are you then?

I am caucasian.

And there is no consensus as to which definition of racism is 'correct'. I believe my definition is the correct one - it makes more sense to me. The alternative definition says a caucasian American is a different race to me, but I am the same race as a black Briton of African descent :confused: I think it's fairly obvious which is the correct definition.,10,21502.jsp
The word ‘racism’ is often used in everyday life, yet the definition of the term is surrounded by controversy. No one single concise definition of the term has been reached. People use the term colloquially to mean many different things while specialists of every field have their own meanings.

The word ‘ racism’ is usually related to or replaced by ‘racialism.’ Both terms stem from the word ‘race’, the definition of which has not been agreed upon either. Biologically, we are all part of one human ‘race’ or species.

However, practically as applied to human beings, its meanings can be used to refer to a group of people who are related because of similar skin color, hair texture or physical attributes or a common culture and language or have originated from a particular geographical location.

Based on this generalized definition, humanity is divided into five fundamental racial groups: Africans, south of the Sahara, Caucasians, East Asians, Native Americans and lastly, South Asians, Australians and Oceanians.

Though there are many scales of racism, ranging from scientific, environmental, economics and international versions, individual racism is what most people in Africa encounter everyday.

Racism towards individuals can be outlined as the prejudice and discrimination faced by a person because of the belief that one racial group is inferior to another.
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I know what racism is mate, I have suffered from it as far as I can remember. You don't know racism until you are involved in it, not from what you can see happening. If BNP were in power do you think that racism would be settled? They don't even have a non-white member so how can they possibly know how to solve problems in the Britain when they are provoking trouble straight away!
Originally posted by LizardKing
I noticed a lot of people here who are going "omg you cant vote for the BNP" are from area's that dont have any real problem with racism
Sorry but I live in Sheffield, I, as a white person, am in the minority in my area. I've suffered racial abuse at the hands of asian youths. Doesn't make me wanna vote BNP.
Originally posted by silverpaw
Sorry but I live in Sheffield, I, as a white person, am in the minority in my area. I've suffered racial abuse at the hands of asian youths. Doesn't make me wanna vote BNP.

Im sorry but Sheffield is nothing like parts of Lancashire, though im not saying it doesnt have a problem. When you get your house burnt down by groups of racial youths, you start to realise the current govenment cant and wont do anything about it
Well once I am 18, I will be voting for who runs this country. If the Labour Party stays as it is and keeps all existing policies I won't vote for them as this country is a shambles atm if I am honest.
Conservative and Lib Dem - I am not really sure on their policies,

BNP. I do agree with a few of their policies. However, I still don't know if I would vote.
Originally posted by LizardKing
Im sorry but Sheffield is nothing like parts of Lancashire, though im not saying it doesnt have a problem. When you get your house burnt down by groups of racial youths, you start to realise the current govenment cant and wont do anything about it
Oh well, I was only punched and kicked by three asian youths in broad daylight, thanks for telling me anyway, now I'll start worrying when they start burning down houses. I don't doubt things are worse in different areas but don't tell me I've not encountered racism against white. :rolleyes:

Fact is there are a lot of asian people about. There are a lot who seem to speak english only as a second language. Many asian youths in the city (my house is in quite a decent part) purposely intimidate white people. Are these reasons to vote BNP? No.

If there is a problem in your town, do you really think electing racist councillors or maybe even MP's is not simply going to encite racial hatred? You can't force people not to be racist, the best solution for society is to bring everybody together so tehy see we're not all against the other and that we're not so different.
Originally posted by silverpaw
Sorry but I live in Sheffield, I, as a white person, am in the minority in my area. I've suffered racial abuse at the hands of asian youths. Doesn't make me wanna vote BNP.

Do you not feel that that kinda takes the p***?

If they don't like white people and can't respect the laws of this land then what exactly are they doing here?
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Originally posted by LizardKing
Calling them scum is a bit wrong, because they have strong beliefs in somthing that you dont particular agree on you cant go around calling them scum.

I dont think they are saying people that vote for the BNP or necessarily the BNP are scum. Who they are calling scum are the racist that are within the BNP.

I totally disagree with Kanes. I think it is perfectly reasonable to call true racists, scum as they are quite happy to descriminate against people solely based on differing ethnic origins/colour. If they are allowed an opinon then why shouldnt we be allowed one?
Originally posted by stroke
Do you not feel that that kinda takes the ****?

If they don't like white people and can't respect the laws of this land then what exactly are they doing here?

The same as you.
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