Originally posted by LizardKing
I noticed a lot of people here who are going "omg you cant vote for the BNP" are from area's that dont have any real problem with racism. you may get the odd jibe but thats it.
Coming from the Blackburn area (i belive they now have had a BNP member elected now) i can tell you these areas have a REAL problem, the govenment are doing nothing about it, or are seen at doing nothing about it. You walk down a "black" part of the town and you will be either attacked by mobs or have racial abuse thrown at you, the same for a "white" part of the town, i wouldnt even dare walk/drive through parts of Burnley. You dont see half of it on TV
People are looking for a way out and see voting BNP as the way, and to a certain extent i belive it is, there hard line views certainly do encourage people to vote for them, there not scared of airing there views on the issue's unlike Labour etc. Calling them scum is a bit wrong, because they have strong beliefs in somthing that you dont particular agree on you cant go around calling them scum.
Are parts of burnley, stoke, blackburn etc that bad?
In liverpool the black part of the city is toxeth, famous for the massive riots in the 70's.. I dont think theres any serious problems like blackburn etc..