does God exist in space?

13 May 2003
Thats direct interfering which god does not do and would prove satan and his followers right.

Doesn't he? He did it to Adam and Eve. Or do you mean he doesn't do it anymore?

Also if he doesn't interfere, what's the point of him? Surely he indirectly interferes by appointing the pope etc. In the same way, he could indirectly interfere by making evil people fall under buses. Nobody could prove it was him.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Doesn't anymore. (although that's one of the bibles many contradictions)

Appointing the pope? The pope is a blasphamy according to teh bible. he is chosen by humans and has nothing to do with God.

How about satan and his and Gods followers.
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16 Jan 2010
Doesn't he? He did it to Adam and Eve. Or do you mean he doesn't do it anymore?

Also if he doesn't interfere, what's the point of him? Surely he indirectly interferes by appointing the pope etc. In the same way, he could indirectly interfere by making evil people fall under buses. Nobody could prove it was him.

Many preachers agree nowdays that adam and eve is just a fairy tale and didnt exist,was a rubbish story anyhow as humans evolved from animals in the first place not just one day there was humans like adam and eve.poppy ****:eek:
13 May 2003
Many preachers agree nowdays that adam and eve is just a fairy tale and didnt exist,was a rubbish story anyhow as humans evolved from animals in the first place not just one day there was humans like adam and eve.poppy ****:eek:

So they pick and choose which bits from the bible they wish to believe ;). Interesting. I wonder what vonhelmet makes of this, considering he was earlier citing the bible's explanation for why god doesn't stamp out evil. This doesn't suit me so I think I'll disregard it ;).
20 Aug 2010
Funny that xtians often say "This is the word of god", then as soon as someone comes along and starts punching holes in their adam and eve story they try and say that it was written by humans and cannot be perfect.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
So they pick and choose which bits from the bible they wish to believe ;). Interesting. I wonder what vonhelmet makes of this, considering he was earlier citing the bible's explanation for why god doesn't stamp out evil. This doesn't suit me so I think I'll disregard it ;).

It's not quite that simple. for example no where does it say he made the world in 6 days. Despite what English translations may say. Modern bibles are so full of holes it's ridiculous. Some Christians no this and stead and look at the "originals". You also have the whole debate of which books do you include in the bible, how do you interpret them and what are they for.

Ultimately we don;t know why God does anything, we can have some guesses by what the bible says, but that's it.

The whole there's evil therefore God doesn't exist or doesn't care, is a rubbish argument which holds no ground. But then again not surprising it keeps coming up when "Christians" reply with he moves in mysterious ways. No what that's saying is you are a rubbish Christian and haven't studied.

If your going to say God is malevolent/evil or some one you wouldn't want to whorship. Look no further than the old testament, rather than using silly arguments.
16 Jan 2010
So they pick and choose which bits from the bible they wish to believe ;). Interesting. I wonder what vonhelmet makes of this, considering he was earlier citing the bible's explanation for why god doesn't stamp out evil. This doesn't suit me so I think I'll disregard it ;).

Sorry robbie,again i dont believe inthe bible its just like a comic to me,if jesus fed the 5000 with what was it 1 fish and loaf of bread,why does god not send one of his beings down to earth to all the people who are starving right now in this world and sort it out once and for all.:confused:
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Sorry robbie,again i dont believe inthe bible its just like a comic to me,if jesus fed the 5000 with what was it 1 fish and loaf of bread,why does god not send one of his beings down to earth to all the people who are starving right now in this world and sort it out once and for all.:confused:

He wants to.

But Jamie Oliver says that a fish and bread diet is bad for you.

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
why does god not send one of his beings down to earth to all the people who are starving right now in this world and sort it out once and for all.:confused:

Quick google as I only know the general themes.
But even if He reveals evidence of Himself only to benefit us, why isn't He more forthright about it? This much seems clear: If He made His presence or the evidence too obvious, it would interfere with His demonstration, which is intended to draw out or reveal the true inner character of mankind. We know from several passages of Scripture that this is part of God's purpose for maintaining a relative silence. For example, in Psalm 50:21-22 we read, "These things you have done, and I kept silence; you thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you, and state the case in order before your eyes." From these statements we come to see that God is not struggling desperately to gain man's attention. Actually He is restraining Himself in order to demonstrate to human beings something about our inner character, or tendency to evil. We might call this "the Sheriff in the tavern" principle--people tend to be good when they think they are being watched by an authority. If a sheriff wants to find out or reveal who the troublemakers are in a tavern, he must either hide or appear to be an ineffective wimp, otherwise the bad guys will behave as well as everyone else.

Of course we should not push this analogy too far: unlike the Sheriff, God doesn't need to see men's evil actions in order to accurately judge them. Moreover, He has not stated His full reasons for allowing men to demonstrate their evil intent through their actions. The point we are trying to make here is that there are reasons that we can understand that may explain to some degree why God has chosen to run the world the way He has.
13 May 2003
Modern bibles are so full of holes it's ridiculous.

Hence me pointing out that vonhelmet using the bible to cite why god doesn't clamp down on bad things is flawed.

The whole there's evil therefore God doesn't exist or doesn't care, is a rubbish argument which holds no ground.

The argument isn't that there's evil so there's no god, the argument is that there's evil so if there's a god, he's a crap one. It's not a rubbish argument, it's a very good one.

I've already illustrated why it's possible to retain freedom of choice whilst reducing evil events. You'd still have the choice to be evil, only you'd be severely punished for it. However, along comes a Christian and says that god won't be tested, has no concept of time, doesn't want to prove Satan right, doesn't really feel like it, etc. That's what holds no ground. Explain to me as an 'educated Christian' why god cannot reduce evil.

If your going to say God is malevolent/evil or some one you wouldn't want to whorship. Look no further than the old testament, rather than using silly arguments.

So you agree he's malevolent? Or are you just going to say that part of the bible can't be trusted?
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Explain to me as an 'educated Christian' why god cannot reduce evil.

The Bible does not explain everything, if it did it would be huge. But it does include a lot of stuff and some of these suggest possible reasons why God does nothing.

I don't know what you're trying to say here. Your sentences are very incorehent and poorly constructed, I'm afraid to say.

I don't think it's that poor. In other words look at the old testament for stuff God claims he has done.
The flood, destroying of soddom and Gahmora and all the other nasty stuff God has done.

So you agree he's malevolent? Or are you just going to say that part of the bible can't be trusted?
I'm not saying anything, other than trying to educate and get away from silly unfounded questions. I'm not a Christian or even religious.
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20 Aug 2010
I'm not saying anything, other than trying to educate and get away from silly unfounded questions. I'm not a Christian or even religious.

Why are you defending some body elses position if you are not a Christian?
EDIT: You were posting earlier as if you were a christian. Disregard previous post.
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I have always wondered why christians think that their specific bible is the right one, not only has soceity changed a lot in 2000 years, I can imagine the bible has as well. Hand copying is only so accurate and relies on people to trust.

some don;t, I have no idea of percentages. Some belive the Bible is accurate enough to form a general opinion and belife.

Also how do you know the translation is right/ wrong?
they don;t which is why many study variuse ones and even go back to the "originals" and compare and decide for themselfs.

I have another quick question, why did God take so long ( 1 day/1 period of time) to create the earth while he managed to create the universe in that same period.Also if more life was found, what would it mean for you?

the bible doesn't say how long it took to build the universe, only that the universe and earth existed before he started on the "6 days" which again have no time marks.

Why are you defending some body elses position if you are not a Christian?
EDIT: You were posting earlier as if you were a christian. Disregard previous post.

Becuase you can only argue from that perspective. Everyone can read and understand the bible and form opinions. The only thing is you have to make an assumption that God exists and if he does then x,y,z is said in the bible.

why disregard previous posts? They will be no different to many religious peoples own beliefs.
13 May 2003
I'm not saying anything, other than trying to educate and get away from silly unfounded questions. I'm not a Christian or even religious.

Can you explain, in simple terms, one or two 'educated' arguments as to why god cannot reduce evil? Since it's a silly question in the first place, it should be easy for you? And try to develop your point beyond 'But it does include a lot of stuff and some of these suggest possible reasons why God does nothing.'

Good luck getting people to believe the extracts you draw from the Bible, when you have already debunked the Bible in the first place. Or will the bits you choose to use curiously become trustworthy and useful?

You debunk the Bible, and then say that it's got loads of great reasons as to why god does nothing to stop evil.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Well that's his fault see, I can fit millions of bibles onto my usb stick. Should have used one of them instead of those clumsy paper things ;)

His fault for what? if you don't believe you don't believe.The bible says he gave us free will for a reason. Undinable proof would kind of distort that a little imo and all the other suggested reasons.
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