Does something need to be done about dogs?

There are rumours from people in the area that the man who died had a problem with the owner breeding these dogs and has thrown a brick through the window and then the male XL Bully either escaped through said window or was set upon him by the owner.

It's hard to see how the owner could have been arrested for murder if there was provocation. Although I suppose you can't turn your dog on someone as a weapon, regardless of whether your property has been damaged.
They seem to be mostly owned by aggressive chav types.

Police shot this one.
there a status animal in the chav world ... and with most chavs off there nut most of the time ..the dogs aren't taught control .. most mastiffs are very loving dogs and are protective of there owners but they do need socializing and training .. bullys i don't know about never had one .. my hardest dog to train was a Rhodesian ridgeback female which in the end went back to the breeder ..
There are rumours from people in the area that the man who died had a problem with the owner breeding these dogs and has thrown a brick through the window and then the male XL Bully either escaped through said window or was set upon him by the owner.

It's hard to see how the owner could have been arrested for murder if there was provocation. Although I suppose you can't turn your dog on someone as a weapon, regardless of whether your property has been damaged.

It's the same as shooting someone dead in reaction to a brick through the window. Unless the guy was still actively attacking him it's murder
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Maybe we should lobotomise these things. I was reading we could have 60-70,000 of these things, how many are in the hands of clowns prepared to set them on people over a dispute and smashed window.

We can’t have another decade of this waiting for these dogs to die out.
every single dog owner should be liable for there dog ..i have 2 french mastiffs both are rescues they don't like small dogs .. so we take them to a private field 3 times a week so they can run about ..some times my daughters dogs come as well again mastiffs ..
and they happily play together .. there needs to be a national register back street kennels no making a quick quid for all dogs .. i'd be happy to have mine on it .. there good take commands well .. but lacking in recall hence the field and if we do walk them ..halti's and vests .. for control
That's a great idea to take them to a private field.

I might do that for my 2.
Maybe if each dog attack was treated as attempted murder (or murder if the worse was to happen) then people would think twice about having them.
Completely agree. Complete responsibility for the actions of a dog or other pet should be with its owner.
A simple law change should require all dogs to be muzzled in public places. YOu want an animal as a pet then muzzle it.
If a dog so much as barks aggressively at me I want to have the owner up for harassment :D
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Maybe if each dog attack was treated as attempted murder (or murder if the worse was to happen) then people would think twice about having them.

There has to be intent for a murder or attempted murder charge.

Manslaughter would be more achievable. Even then, you'd likely have to prove recklessness.

It would be better to improve enforcement against nuisance dogs/ owners. It would also provide data and evidence for future prosecutions.
Maybe we should lobotomise these things. I was reading we could have 60-70,000 of these things, how many are in the hands of clowns prepared to set them on people over a dispute and smashed window.

We can’t have another decade of this waiting for these dogs to die out.

Most of them I expect. Most sane people don't have dogs like this
They should make it so that anyone who is suspected of owning one of these dogs has their house put on a blacklist where no emergency service will attend.
I didn't know what a Presa Canario was so I googled it and :eek:

You don't cross a Presa Canario with an XLBully unless you intend to take down Bears with that thing. Who in their right mind have something like that as a pet? It's insane!

To be honest, whilst Presas and the other mastiff breeds are very large and do look quite intimidating due to their size, they're not generally implicated in these sorts of attacks, they don't have that sort of temperament, they've also been around for hundreds - in some cases thousands of years (Molossus) and go back to the ancient Egyptians, so we know what they are.

But yes - crossing such a large breed like that with Pitbull type dogs, (such as an XLbully) is just ******* stupid, it's totally stupid. For one - you don't really know how the resulting dog is going to turn out, it's also much more likely to have that terrier type prey drive, which you just do not want in a dog of that size and strength.

It makes me sad if I'm honest.
Strange how it's definitely the owners but it's always the same breed of dog.

It's almost as if certain breeds of dog attract certain types of owners...

Who'd have thunk that disrespectful, arrogant little scroats would be drawn towards "look at me, I'm so 'ard" type dogs?
I'd give more 'respecc' to a chav with a Yorkie than any beast style dog.

Why do people aspire to, or even be oblivious to the stereotype? Be original, break the mold, be a smart, sophisticated chav with a daschund. Who cares what the lads on the next estate think. You're you, an individual, a trend setter. Chose life. Chose a chihuahua.
I'd give more 'respecc' to a chav with a Yorkie than any beast style dog.

Why do people aspire to, or even be oblivious to the stereotype? Be original, break the mold, be a smart, sophisticated chav with a daschund. Who cares what the lads on the next estate think. You're you, an individual, a trend setter. Chose life. Chose a chihuahua.

Rather than banning / euthanizing "Dangerous Breeds" perhaps the solution would be to ban / euthanize the Chav's using them like a weapon. :D
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